Chapter 8

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I'm sorry it took me forever to write, and get on Wattpad. Although it seems nobody is doing anything. Anyway to the story.

As Ergo flew out into the light, it blinded her for a second before she blinked and was fine. She looked at the Buffalo grazing in the field that guarded the entrance. She landed, and a Buffalo looked up at her with a snort. Grass hung from its mouth, some dropping to the ground. Ergo backed away in disgust, then took back to the sky. After a few moments of flying, she became hungry. She spotted a dead tree and landed, taking the pack off of her back. She had a small snack, along with a little sip of the water. Soon she was back into the sky, flying on some convenient wind. After a few hours of flying, the sun was close to it's peak. She flew around some hills, then landed. She never forgot to land every mile or so, because she wanted to make sure Spina followed her. Something cracked behind her and she threw her head around, looking for whatever had seen her. She hoped that it wasn't an Owl, anything but an Owl.

"Who's there!" She squawked loudly. "Show yourself, chicken!" Ergo yelled again.
"I'm sorry." A familiar voice said, then Goto stepped out of the bushes. "I couldn't let you go out here alone, with that fox following you." Goto said, getting closer to Ergo.

Ergo smiled, trying to comfort her friend, but she felt awkward after last night.

"I love you!" Goto yelled, running at Ergo.

Goto slammed into Ergo, hugging her with his wings. She threw her head back a little, then she found herself hugging him back. After some time of talking, it was soon night. Ergo showed Goto to a cave, then she gathered heaps of reeds from a pond and some grass. She hunted a few rabbits, sharing them with Goto and taking their hide to make beds.

"Learned it from the scrolls." Ergo said to Goto as he stared at her with amazement.

Soon the beds were made and Ergo threw herself into it, tired after flying back and forth to fetch the supplies. She flipped herself onto her back to see Goto was standing over his bed.

"Take turns keeping watch?" Ergo suggested.
Goto shook his head, turning to her. "I'll keep an eye out, and I might go make a contraption to keep with us on our journey." Goto said, smiling.

Ergo shivered at the words "our journey" but she accepted it quickly. Ergo pulled her pack close, shoving it under the bed so that if anyone touched it she would feel it moving and wake. Goto sat down on the ledge at the entrance of the cave, looking out into the moonlight. Ergo couldn't help feel something different inside, but she was too tired to care what it was. She laid down in the comfortable bed, closing her eyes. The same inky blackness from the nights before creeped into her eyes, as a picture of Goto formed. Soon she was asleep with Goto on watch.

I ship it so much that I'm shipping it in the book.

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