Chapter 7

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What?! Another chapter in so little time?! Yes, I'm bored and listening to a funny series called Skyrim Randomness, if you want to watch it be prepared that it does have cursing. Anyway, I'm actually getting interested in this series now that stuff is FINALLY getting interesting, oh and yes, Delhi will scream and it's now like a special thing XD. Anyway I'll let you read the chapter instead of reading this.

After Thorn, who's real named turned out to be Spina, had asked to help defeat the owls, Ergo took Spina down to the others and they explained everything. Everyone was flabbergasted that Spina could talk, that he had a real name, that he was male, and that he wanted to help. After a few days of Spina and Banco speaking together, privately, they had told everyone of their plan. Ergo was recalling her mission the night before she was to do it. She pretended to read a "historical" scroll as the others talked and played some games on a stone. They kept glancing at her, even Ito was looking at her with fear, but this didn't bother her. Their sadness in their eyes as they looked at her made her feel better, rather than worse. She felt cared for instead of the eldest and the one to pick on the younger birds. Banco screamed down the tunnel for them to sleep and, for once, they did so. Ergo walked down the tunnel towards the SleepingCave, exhaustion pulling at her feathers and making her slump. Goto raced to her side and pulled her wing so she could be at the back of the group.

Goto sighed once they were alone and looked into Ergo's eyes. "I need to tell you something incase you ... don't ... return."

Goto said quietly, tears forming in his eyes. Ergo looked back at Goto, making sure she looked at him calmly.

"I love you ..." He said, shaking.

Ergo opened her beak to speak but Goto ran to the others. Ergo stared at the spot where Goto had been, she had known this but him actually saying it to her made her feel odd. Ergo blinked, then shook her feathers and ran into the SleepingCave. Everyone was there and sleeping in a stone bed, but at the back stood something new. Ergo creeped over to it, and she soon realized it was a bed. It wasn't made of stone like the others, but of hay and some type of animal fur. Ergo jumped into the bed, feeling very happy to have something comfortable to lay on. Ergo thought about her day ahead and her plan and what she should take with her. Soon enough, inky blackness seeped into her eyes and she was soon asleep.

Ergo awoke with feathers ruffled, all the others were sound asleep. She stood, making her feathers straight. Without another thought she walked quietly down the tunnel. Light seeped in through the entrance tunnel and down into the SleepingCave. Ergo smiled at the thought that it would be a beautiful day. She walked into the StudyHall and picked out a scroll, unrolling it. It was a map that Banco had created while he was a young soldier. Some of the map was newer, after the time of the fall of every kingdom. Banco had very shaky talons and some lines where a little "off", but Ergo didn't care. She went around the room grabbing other scrolls for survival, for Banco had said that it might take days for her to travel to her destination. Ergo grabbed three scrolls, a map, a scroll on how to fetch food and water, and her favored scroll that told stories selected from every kingdom. Spina had made a a pack for her to carry everything she needed, so she put the scrolls in there, along with a day of food and water and a mechanical sword. She also got some armor for her head, talons, and wings. She snuck out to the MainCave, where Banco and Spina were waiting.

"Good luck." Banco said bowing.
Spina looked at Ergo and said "Remember I be followin' your scent trail, so land often. I be a day behind ye and reach your destination a day after ye."
Ergo nodded and said "Please tell the others I'll miss them."

Spina and Banco nodded, then without another word, Ergo flew outside the caves and out into the world where the dangers were unknown.

Yep, I'm still watching Skyrim Randomness. Anyway I'll be writing more, hopefully. See y'all on the next chapter.

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