Chapter 18

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Ergo was slammed into the wall harder than before. A few of her feathers had been pulled out and she was bruised and bleeding, Goto was passed out in the center of the room, Ito was gasping as the King threw him down at the ground again, and Banco lay face first on the ground. The moment Ito hit the ground, he was out cold, just like Goto. She grunted angrily as the King came over to her to finish. He grabbed her head with his wing, which was covered in metal, and threw her against the wall. She felt another wound open as she was slammed against the wall.

"Next time, think before deciding to live." The King yelled.

She felt overly dizzy and was about to throw up when she saw the blurry figure of Banco rise to his talons. Banco turned the King around and slapped him. The King fell down easily and Banco stood over the King. Just then, three Owls walked in. Two were the guards from before and one seemed like royalty. By the way she looked, Ergo guessed she was the queen. She wondered how anyone could ever fall in love with that beast. The two guards toppled Banco and th along got to his talons.

"Ugh ... damn Eagle." The King muttered.
"Should we do something with him?" One guard asked.

The King continued speaking and Ergo was helped up by the Queen. Ergo nodded in thanks and stumbled over to Goto. She started shaking him until one of his eyes opened. She dragged up up too and they stumbled over to wake up Ito. Ergo, Goto, and the Queen shook him awake and soon they were all standing.

"Alright you bastards. The three of you will go down to join your friends. Take this Eagle to the Decision Room." The King said. "And as for you, m'lady ..." He sounded teasing "please go and do something that would be useful."

The Queen huffed and walked outside, not saying a thing. One guard ran down after the Queen and returned with two other guards. Two guards grabbed Ergo and dragged her along, pushing Ito in the middle, and Goto at the end. Banco was handled by the two other guards. They soon followed to where the others had been and Ergo sighed as she looked around. It wasn't like jail with cages, but rather an open area near the lava. The guards made sure they had put heavy duty metal things on their claws, beaks, and wings before throwing them into the area. It was large and on a part of the cliff where if you fell, there was no coming back. The lava seemed like it was about to drip off, but didn't. All the birds, which were many, huddled on the opposite side of the lava. When her HatchMates saw them, they gasped, and so did the others. They didn't say anything as a guard gave them glares. Ergo laid down, uncaring of how hot it was. She closed her eyes and was out in a second.

SCREE. Sorry it's short but I can't exactly include anything else.

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