Chapter 20

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Here it is! Just as I finish eating on Thanksgiving of 2016. Oh boy, I'm sad and excited! No, I won't be adding and Epilogue because I'm lazy. Just this. Here we go!

Ergo looked around, gulping as the King appeared on a ledge above the circle. He had an easy view of everyone. There were two guards behind each bird and Wolfer stood behind Ergo. She gasped, feeling like she was about to cry. She wanted all this to stop and her wake up back in the mountain, eager to train with Banco, or talk to Spina. She closed her eyes.

"First Spina then ... probably me." She thought.

Suddenly, Wolfer pushed through Ergo and walked into the center.

"Let this session begin. Here we have The SkyWatchers, who think they could save the bird kingdoms. That's one strike already, for all of you." Wolfer said.
"Now, now Wolfer. Let's not get carried away, but still. One point off for all of you. Anyway, you all must be confused. Here, we are deciding all of your fate. You have three strikes until your dead. We will decide wether something you say or have done will give a strike. Let's start." The King said.
"Banco, since you hurt the King, why don't we start with you?" Wolfer said.

Banco looked around, frowning.

"Well, for one thing you were part of the Eagle kingdom." Wolfer said.
"No strike, he could not have chosen where he was born." The King said.
"Them you took these foul eggs and raised them!" Wolfer snorted.
"No strike, if he hadn't done that we wouldn't be having fun right now."
"You trained these few, and created your own little club that was 'destined' to save everyone." Wolfer snickered.
"No strike for training them, strike for creating The SkyWatchers." The King said.
"That's one strike." A random Owl said.
"Wait, I thought ..." Wolfer said, but was cut off.
"We are only putting that for everyone else." The King cut in.

Ergo sighed as Wolfer flew up to the King and started speaking with him quietly. She took in her surroundings. Some high class looking Owls were watching from the air or from the sides. They looked curious, as if they had no idea what was going on. Ergo wished she could just slap one of them and they'd all turn good, but that's not life. She looked back over to Banco as Wolfer flew down.

"Now, you tried to fight us." Wolfer snorted.
"No strike, what else would he have done." The King said, sounding bored.
"Then you pretend that Ergo is your daughter!" Wolfer said, growling almost.
"Hmmm. No strike, it's just him." The King said.

Wolfer gave him a sideways look and they had the same face of pure evil.

"Then, you hurt the King. How disgraceful!" Wolfer hissed.
"Two strikes, although he has guts, nobody should be given glory for that." The King said, smiling as the Owls chuckled lightly.
"Three strikes!" The random Owl said.

Banco looked around, fear glazing his old eyes. He looked tired and completely different than the trainer she knew. She sighed tried to wake herself from this nightmare, but no matter what she thought of did, she knew this was reality.

"Any last words?" The King snickered.
"Yes, actually. The SkyWatchers isn't some fairytale anymore. These birds you see before you are going to stop you. And, I'm not going to die. You are underestimating us and the moment you put your guard down, they will burn you alive." Banco said.

The King, for one second, had complete fear glaze his eyes, but he blinked and they returned to evil.

"Sure, sure! That's it? Well, cmon let's see some blood!" The King said.

Ergo shook and tried to break the chains, but she was too weak and in pain. She gasped as some Owls wheeled in a big, shiny piece of metal. It was in the shape of the King and it starred angrily down at Banco.

"Banco, you have been chosen for death by me. Wolfer, you go ahead. You've earned it." The King said.

Ergo knew what Banco had said was right, he wasn't going to die, something would happen. And, just as she thought that ...

Nothing happened.
She chocked on her own breath as Wolfer raised into the air, his metal talons getting in the striking position. Banco looked at her, smiled, and did the same with Goto and Ito. He then closed his eyes and Wolfer came sinking down on Banco's neck. It was done. Banco had been killed, just like the Queen of the Eagle kingdom, decapitated. Blood poured out of his head and his body. His body slumped over and his head rolled around with a peaceful expression. Ergo opened her mouth and screamed, tears pouring out from her eyes. Everything she had learned, everyone she knew, this whole adventure and nightmare, was because of him. And there, right in front of her, he was dead. Tears poured down her eyes just as fast as his blood spilled out. She couldn't feel emotion and soon she fell into a dark pit, screaming and crying for all eternity.

The SkyWatchers Book 1: The Rise {COMPLETED!!}Where stories live. Discover now