Chapter 16

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I re-read the end of chapter 2 and I died of laughter. "I'm going to try and make each book have 35 chapters" yeah right, I'm too lazy for that "but I have a feeling this book will contain more chapters" IT'S ENDING IN FOUR CHAPTERS FROM NOW

When Ergo awoke, she was being dragged outside the cage. She was barely awake but felt the heavy metal on her wings lift. She opened them but the were forced down.

"Don't get cocky." An Owl hissed.

She blinked, realizing where she was. She looked behind her and saw everyone else being taken out. In no time, the Owls were carrying them away and they started flying towards the two tallest peaks now, a place that used to be called Sunrise Peak, but because the Owls lived there, was now called Bone Scattered Peak by Banco. It was the second tallest peak. The first was where Banco had said the Eagle kingdom was located. She gasped.

"The Eagle Kingdom! That's what that object was!" She thought.

She looked around as best as she could, but she couldn't see anyway. She was at the head of the group because the Owls who found her were apparently important. She sighed and wished she could straighten her feathers. They were matted and dusty, probably from her flying non stop, being in the desert, and sleeping in a rotten cave with metal on her wings. She listened as the head Owl started speaking with the others.

"We'll enter the back way, so none of the other patrols get excited and go ruin our surprise." He said.

The others nodded and they suddenly started driving. The floor of the forest loomed closer by the second and Ergo closed her eyes. She opened them to see the Owls veering to the side. They were gaining quickly on the mountain which had been thousands of miles away before. They started slowing down as they made the massive turn to the back of the peaks. Ergo's eyes burst wide open as she took in the landscape. Lava seeped down the side of the mountain and Ergo could see a few small shapes turn over a bucket which dropped more lava down. She wanted to cough as the smoke seeped into her lungs and made her vision blurry. The scent didn't help either, as it reeked of death. She wondered how they could ever live here, and why they didn't move to a better place since they had the whole world to themselves. The land after the lava, which was melting trees and animals as she thought, polluted the land. She was amazed the smoke, blood, and destruction hadn't gone past the peaks.

"Down, down, down!" The head Owl said.

They began diving and they entered a bridge like thing that protected them from the lava. She could hear the rumble and burn of it above her as they passed through. They made a sharp turn and entered inside the mountain, which was full of life. It wasn't dark, but rather lit up by torches, what Banco used, and by holes in the roof that either picked up sunlight or moonlight, or the lava. Owls circled about everywhere, going through passages way to get to other parts. They landed and all the other Owls looked to them, shock or confusion in their faces.

"We have caught, the last birds!" The head Owl shouted.

All the other Owls cheered and some started flying, but before they could exit, the head Owl spoke again.

"Nobody tell the King, this will be a surprise." He said.
"Too late." A voice said.

Suddenly, an Owl shoved forward and smiled at them.

"My king ..." The head Owl said, bowing.

Ergo froze in fear, staring at the king.

"Is this it?" She thought. "Will I die in the talons of this ... this monster?"

This chapter was more for filler.

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