Chapter 11

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Nobody comments anymore lel, so since Sage told me to keep the book running for a bit more that's what Ima do. Also there's a two year old passed out in my hallway and who knows when she's gonna wake up so this might be a short chapter, idk I haven't written it yet.

The four Owls looked around, one moved closer to the entrance, flaring open his wings. Ergo could make out some metal on his back, wings, and talons. Ito had huddled behind Ergo and Goto while Goto hid Ergo as much as possible with his wings. Finally the silence was broken by an Owl.

"That sunrise is bright ..." A male voice said.
"Sure is." Said another male.
"You guys ready, I know this looks like a normal tree but you can walk inside!" Said a high pitched male voice.
"Yeah right." Another male voice said, his voice rumbling and deep.
"Oh brighten up Kerri." The high pitched male said again.
Kerri snorted loudly before making an almost hissing noise. "Don't threaten me, Lopper."

Kerri said, his voice almost turning into a growl.

"That's not my name! Why does everyone call me Lopper?" Lopper said, his tail feathers shaking as his wings started to droop.
"Let's just see why you brought us off course." Said the first make that had talked.
"Good idea, Yury." Said the still unknown voice.

Suddenly, Lopper put his wings down and stepped inside. Ergo held her breath while Goto stared and didn't blink. Ergo was glad she couldn't see what Ito was doing so she wouldn't yell at him to be quiet. Lopper walked towards Ergo and Goto, his eyes focused not on them, but the wall behind them as if he was looking right through them. Lopped stopped right in front of Ergo, staring right at her.

"Hmm, the place seemed to get smaller." Lopper muttered, looking back as the last Owl, Kerri, entered.
"Lopper ... I don't know what you did but ... this place ... it doesn't seem right. Almost as if some magic were here, or we were being watched ..."

The unknown male said, looking around and slowly backing out of the house.

"This is dumb, now the King is going to wonder where we've been and why we've been away for so long, or rather me."
Kerri snorted, walking out.
"Well, I'm following them." Yury said awkwardly, backing out.

Lopper sighed before speaking

"Ugh. Everyone in the Kingdom must hate me." He said.

Suddenly Ito shuffled, knocking something to the ground. Lopper stopped and whipped his head around, his eyes fixed onto anything that could have made the noise. His eyes finally rested and stared right into Ergo's. Ergo couldn't tell if Goto or Ito could hear him, but he muttered something.

"I'll find you when this magic is no longer here." Lopper muttered, backing out swiftly.

Ergo waited until the four Owls were gone before she could breath correctly, and all three waited until long after they couldn't see the Owls in the sky.

"Oh ... did ... any of you hear him?" Ergo muttered. "When?" Goto said, still staring at the entrance and holding Ergo. "Right before he left." Ergo responded, breaking Goto's grasp.
"He said nothing before he left, are you okay?" Goto said in a serious voice.
"I'm fine ... just scared for my life." Ergo added the last part on silently, and thankfully they didn't question any further.

Ito curled into his bed, shaking from the experience. He said nothing the entire night. Ergo curled into her bed, trying to get the fear out so should could even think about sleep, she knew she would need it. Goto made sure it was safe outside, bring back some water and fish so they could eat, but Ito didn't get up, he just laid there, his eyes fixed on the wall.

"Ito?" Goto tried when he was finished eating.

Ergo looked over, still trying to swallow the fish. Ito shuffled, but made no other noise. Goto sighed and flopped into his bed, turning so he could look at Ergo when she got in her bed. Ergo stared outside at the night sky, knowing it was late. She took some time to eat her fish, and finally, and silently hopped into her bed. Thankfully, Goto had fallen asleep, and she didn't know about Ito. She stared through the patches in the roof at the stars and after a long amount of time, her eyes drifted shut.

This is not as short as I thought it'd be, but still it's short. Also there's probably a ton of spelling mistakes because I am in a rush to finish this. Anyway, enjoy.

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