Author's Note

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Quick author's note!

Hello, lovely readers, and thank you for picking up this book to read! I hope it meets, and even exceeds, your expectations!

Once upon a time, a different version of this story existed on my profile. The one you currently read is the rewrite.

A comment on the original spurred interest in this storyline again, and so I began to reread it. I found the characters lovable and the plotline fascinating, but my writing style and character development techniques have changed so much since the first time I tackled this story that I felt the need to delve deeper into this story than a simple edit. So, I rewrote it.

With the rewrite completed, I have removed the original version. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this rewrite as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Many hugs and fluffy things,

Many hugs and fluffy things,

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