15. This is Just a Joke

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There was a knock at the door. I groaned. I had just laid down after unpacking my things. But I got up and opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise. "We just saw each other an hour ago."

Jarek shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked at the ground. "Next time, I'll take you to the Adriatic Sea."

I released a barking laugh. "Why? Where did this come from?"

He brushed past me into my room. "Because my family takes their yacht to the Adriatic Sea every few weeks. And—well, I appreciated what you did for me. You didn't have to take me with you, but you did. You even took me to your farm to meet your family. I just . . . Thanks, Amy."

The surprise melted away, replaced by genuine happiness. Warmth bloomed in my heart and I ended up throwing my arms about his neck in a hug. "It was fun!" I pulled away, and once I realized what I did, my face burned.

Jarek cleared his throat and glanced away. "Um, yeah, it was. I wasn't expecting to like being on a farm as much as I did."

"My aunt loved having you there."

He pivoted on his heel to leave, but said over his shoulder, "See you around, lijep."

My eyebrows furrowed. What did that mean?


My footsteps stopped as soon as I saw the large pair of wings fluttering near the lockers. The curve of his wings and the slope of his back was distracting—and dangerous. I swallowed and shook my head. I needed to detangle my infatuation from my feelings, which was nigh impossible to do when the fallen angel was within sight.

He turned and glanced at me from the corner of his eye. He rolled his shoulders back, standing straight. There was something in his dark eyes that I couldn't quite identity. Confusion? Curiosity?

Then his brows lowered, shadows giving his face a stern expression. His lips pursed and he shoved off down the hall, lifting into flight once he was out of the crowd.

I shut my gaping mouth, faint heat flicking my cheeks. I kept my head down as I hurried to my locker, hoping no one saw me blatantly ogling Vietate High's most dangerous creature.

Still trying to shake my blush, I opened my locker. When something tumbled out, I forgot all about Shar. Eyebrows knitted together, I leaned down to pick up the piece of paper. When I unfolded it, I gasped.

"Leave now, filthy human" was written in sharp lettering.

Lips pursed, I balled the piece of paper and shoved it into my bag. I really hoped it was just a sick joke.


"I'll rip his throat out." Zakary growled and leapt to his feet, teeth bared and hands clenched.

Mirielle grabbed his arm and persuaded him to sit again. "We don't even know who he is."

"Or if it's a 'he' at all." Cassiel quirked a brow as he trained his sky blue eyes on the vampire.

Zak didn't relax, his muscles still rippling in his arms and his shoulders bristling. But he pressed his lips into a thin line and kept quiet.

Rian released a slow sigh as he pushed the note toward the center of the table. "Do we have any idea who would send something like this to Amy?"

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