18. The Possibilities

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I'll kill 'em!" Zakary crumpled the note, hurled it to the ground, and stomped it once. His hands curled into claws and he bared his fangs.

"Zak, calm down." Mirielle gripped his shoulder and forced him to sit beside her. But from her stiff back and tight mouth, it was clear she felt as angry as he was.

"Looks like it wasn't just a joke." Cassiel cast a pointed glance at me, and I had to turn away.

My head hung, hands fidgeting in my lap. I tried to take up as little space as possible in my seat, ignoring my racing heart and clammy palms. I swallowed hard.

"So what do we do? It's not like they left a calling card." Mirielle crossed her legs. She was startlingly attractive that day: navy blue jeggings, a floral print V-neck, and a stylish leather jacket. She had curled her hair, and it accented her vampiric eyes in a way that was alluring.

"Was there any scent?" Maion gazed up at Rian.

The werewolf shook his head. "It just smelled like locker. And now it probably smells like Zakary's shoe."

Mirielle smacked the Greilan as hard as she could on the back of his head, and he hissed at her.

"What do we do though?" Gerard studied everyone's faces, eyes wide behind his glasses.

The Melnor vampire crossed her arms. "The school isn't going to help. We have no leads. The best we can do is ask around."

"Or just wait until something happens to Amy." Cassiel shrugged.

Maion hit his shoulder.

"Or." I cleared my throat. "Or I could leave the school, like they want."

Everyone trained their eyes on me, expressions hard. I felt very human as they stared at me: from their yellow irises, to their heavenly features, to the characteristics that set them so far apart from me.

Zakary frowned. "That won't solve anything."

"It does, though," Cassiel said. "The creature who wrote the note just wants Amy to leave. The problem is only in the fact that, if Amy doesn't leave, Amy's life is in danger. So if Amy leaves, that solves it."

Zak stood up, snarling at the angel. "That's the coward's way out."

Voice barely above a whisper, I admitted, "I am a coward, though."

The table quieted, and the creatures exchanged glances. No one said anything for a while, too caught up in their own thoughts.

Since I had received the note three hours ago, I had been thinking about what to do. I knew I had to tell my friends—that was what friends were for. I also knew they would react violently. But I had been thinking about how to avoid the violence and the hunt for the note sender.

If I left, like Cassiel mentioned, it would eliminate the problem. No one would come after me, because I would no longer attend Vietate High. It hurt like crazy, the thought of leaving my friends behind, but it was my best option.

Rian placed his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to look at him. His brown eyes were round and soft, filled with brotherly affection. "But, is that what you want, Amy?"

"Yeah," Maion chimed in, sitting straighter. "Are you really okay with leaving?"

"I don't want to put anyone's life in danger, mine just by being here, and yours by going after whoever sent the note." I wrung my hands in my lap, avoiding eye contact.

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