23. Football

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The creatures got ahold of the others that had fled to other buildings for temporary safety. Now that everyone was working together instead of arguing, things were moving smoothly and quickly. Leaders rose up and delegated assignments: vampires and angels scouting, werewolves and witches distraction tactics, and the super-humans waiting to strike the Proelia plus Viena in a surprise attack.

            Coordinating with the other creatures, the "take-back operation," as one of the beings had named it, was going without a hitch so far.

            Until a werewolf shouted, "Explosive!"

            The room got quiet enough for us to hear a dull ticking within the walls of the gymnasium. The ticking sped up.

            Everyone rushed from the gym, pushing others out of their way. A witch would have gotten trampled if it weren't for a nearby angel that picked her up and flew her out of the building.

            Cassiel headed straight for me. I yelped, flinching as he came at me full-speed. Blond hair whipping behind him, he extended his arms and put them under my armpits. He lifted me off the ground and, holding tight to me, flew from the building.

            Outside was ruin. The office building had exploded, in crumbles now. Every coliseum had fallen to the ground in a heap of rock. Grass turned black from the fires that ran rampant across campus.

            The angel dropped me in Mirielle's waiting arms and landed behind us. We turned to stare at the S building, and then it was swallowed by flames after a thunderous rumbling vibrated my legs. I had to close my eyes and shield by face from the debris that hurled in every direction. A mottled wing extended in front of my body, protection from the explosion.

            I shot Maion a small, appreciative smile. She smiled back.

            When things settled, and only a fire remained, cackling and eating at the building, creatures surrounded us from all sides. One yelled, "There's a bomb in every single building!"

            "They're forcing us out in the open," a vampire snarled, growling and curling his hands into claws.

            "Which means we have to move fast." Cassiel rolled his shoulders back, standing taller. Despite the soot covering his face and the rips in his shirt, he looked ready for the catwalk.

            "Where could they be?" Stony Talbot demanded, quirking a brow. "Literally every building is either gone or about to be."

            "Not the Angeli building." Jarek shot daggers at the vampire.

            Creatures exchanged glances, and I wondered how the mind-reader could have possibly known that. But, I guess, it made sense: a bunch of angels would make their central command a building dedicated to angels.

            In groups of fifteen to thirty, creatures split up their roles. Some would scout, going into the building first. Others would distract as many Proelia as they could. And still others would attack them directly. Naturally, those were the better fighters.

            Before everyone could run off to put their lives in danger to protect the school that had been their safe haven, I grabbed Rian's arm and asked, "What about me? What do you want me to do?"

            Zakary settled a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. "It's probably best if you stay here, Amy."

            "What?" My eyes widened.

            "Jarek, can you protect her?" Maion asked, staring him down. Jarek simply nodded in response.


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