Chapter 1

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And all I wanted to do was give Crona





Crona picked up Haley's limp, dead, bloody body. He began to run to Stein's lab, crying has he ran. He couldn't let Haley, the love of his life, just die.

He made it to Stein's lab and pounded on the door. Crona looked at Haley, all covered in blood. Crona was, too, covered in blood. Haley's blood. Crona couldn't stand the thought that Haley could actually be dead.

Stein opened the door, seeing Haley and Crona.

"Quickly. Inside." Stein said. Crona rushed in, setting Haley down on a lab table. Stein shooed Crona out of the room so he wouldn't try to do anything.

Crona went and sat outside the house, hugging himself.

"Why did I do that!?" He yelled at himself. Crona began crying again.


I sat up with a gasp, grabbing the cut on my neck that was covered heavily with bandages. A relieved look washed over Professor Stein's face.

"Oh thank God." He said.


"Lie back down. Get some rest."

I did as I was told. I didn't exactly feeling like arguing.


Stein walked out of the house, going over to Crona.

"Is she ok?" Crona asked.

"She's alive."

"Yes! Th-thank you Professor Stein."

"How did this happen? Was it her dad..?"

"Well, n-no...."

"Than who?"


I woke up after a few hours. I looked at the clock which read 10:30. I looked around the room.


"He isn't here." Professor Stein replied. I hadn't even noticed he was in the room. Sometimes Stein scared the shit out of me.

"Then were is he?"

"He's in the death room talking with Lord Death."


"Lord Death is deciding his punishment."


"He's killed another person, Haley."

"But I'm alive now!"

"Still, he has hurt too many innocent people."

"No!" I tried to get out of there. I tried to get to Crona, but Professor Stein stopped me.

"Haley! Lay down!" I felt lightheaded, but I had to get to Crona. I finally got out of the little bed I was in, just to black out, hitting the floor with a thud.

It's Haley Fray (soul eater fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن