Chapter 7

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My dad's neck snapped up, and looked directly at Maka. He chuckled.

"I see she's also told you too, Maka, Soul." Maka tensed up a bit at the sound of her name. Soul gritted his teeth. "Hmm? Scared that I know your name? Well, I know the names of all of Haley's "friends." The way he said 'friends' came out bitter. He didn't like the fact I had friends.

"So, you're Haley's father?" Maka spat "I can't help but say I expected more."

"What did you you expect? A demon? I'm just human.

"Certainly not human if that's what you do to your own daughter."

"Well, she's worthless trash anyways, she deserves this."

"Haley is not worthless!!" Maka shouted and charged towards my dad. Soul's blade hit my dad's, slicing against each other. Soul his grit his teeth a bit harder. Maka jumped back, her breathing uneven.

"Calm down, Maka!" Soul shouted as his reflection appeared in the scythe. Her breathing remained uneven as she grinds we teeth.

"No Soul! This man deserves to die." Soul didn't respond. Maka ran back towards my father again, slicing him in half. For a moment, before he healed, I was something. Something red...a kishin egg. My father has a kishin egg for a soul. Maka gasped and stepped back, tightening her grip on the scythe's handle.

"What?" My dad grinned "Did you not know I was immortal?"

"...No." She mumbled and looked of in my direction. I looked down. I could have told her, but I couldn't ft the words to come out.

"Aw, Haley didn't tell you?"

Maka shook her head. I clenched my fists.

"Looks like Haley's going to be responsible for your death." He laughed. My head shot up.

"No!!" I shouted.

He looked back at me.

"Hmm? Not wanting another person dying because of you, I see?"

"No." I whispered. He sighed.

"Fine fine, just this once." He walked over to me, "but I will get you back later." With that, he was gone.

Maka looked over at me and froze, dropping Soul. Soul transformed back into human form before hitting the ground.

"Oi, Maka, why'd you-" he stopped in mid sentence as his eyes fell on me. He tensed.

I was trembling, shaking badly. Oh, being home scared me the most. My cheeks had thin, yet big scrapes. My light purple dress wasn't purple anymore, it was more red. My brown ankle boots had spots of red. No, that's not why there were staring. They were staring because of my arms. My bandages had been ripped off by my dad, exposing the one inch deeps cuts.

"H-Haley..." Maka choked out, just staring at my arms. She stepped closer to me, I retreated further in the corner. She stopped.

"Haley." Even Soul tried.

I didn't respond, I just shook my head.

"Why does he do this Haley?" Maka asked.

No response

"Y'know..." Soul whisper'r to Maka "I think she's afraid of this place."

Maka nodded

" want to get out of here?" Maka asked cautiously.

U nodded into my knees.

Maka came closer, picking me up. I didn't protest. Maka held me careful, as of she'd drop me, I'd break. I probably would. I would probably shatter into a million pieces.

We eventually made it back to the apartment. Maka went straight for my rooms and set me on the bad. She waited. I guess she expected me to cry, no, I've cried too much.

"You ok, Haley?" Maka asked.

I nodded, "Y-Yeah..."

"Alright..." She gave me a cautious glance "Don you want me to stay in here?"

I shook my head.

"Alright." She left the room, closing the door behind her.

Hm. Maka was like an older sister to me. She was always there. She cared. Odd. Was she that foolish? Must be.

I hugged my knees tightly in the corner of the bed where the walls met. I winced. It hurt, so so badly.

I was thinking as I just sat there. I remembered something that I read in The Soul Binder, the mysterious book about the Soul Binder. It had said that, as well as messaging people with the Soul Binder, you can talk to people you were really close to. Though, you had yo be asleep to talk to them.

"S-Soul Binder..."


"C-Can I-I talk to Crona...?"

No response.

"S-Soul Binder?"

"Yeah, you can."


I closed my eyes and ended up is some sort of dark room. Crona was there


He turned around quickly


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