Chapter 6

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"Not such a good ideas Haley." The Soul Bided told me.

"Why not...?"

"Look behind you..." It warned. I looked behind me. Shit. Dad.

"Hello Haley..."

"Wh-what do you want...?!"

"Why don't we go home Haley?"


"You really don't have a choice." He grabbed my arm and started dragging me. I tried to fight him..bit he cut me every time I tried to break free.

We made it back to the little apartment I used to live in. He still lived here...? He dragged me inside, opening the door. He nearly tripped over a beer bottle, which, I did trip over. The bottle broke, some bits if glass cut my face. He chuckled.

"Home sweet home." He said.

"Sweet my ass." The Soul Binder mumbled.

"You're a don't have an ass..." I whispered, already sitting in a corner.

"What was that?" My father asked.


"Better be."

I hugged my knees in the corner. Oh, this is the corner I was in when I was six...I looked down at the floor. Oh god, blood.

'M-Mom's blood?!' I thought, tears welling in my eyes.

"Calm down Haley..." The Soul Binder told me. It was right.

"Now, now, Haley. Now that you're home, we can have a little fun, eh?" He grinned, turning his hand into that sword of his. I didn't respond.

"You're a piece of trash. You know that right?" He asked, "You don't deserve a weapon. So you know what I did?"

I shook my head.

"I killed him..."

"Y-You killed Aiden..?!"

"Can't have you fighting back."

"H-he didn't deserve to die-"

"Shut up!" He cut my cheek. I gasped slightly. He laughed. I didn't say a word, instead my thoughts surrounded me.

Would my dad ever stop this? No, he finds too much joy in causing me pain. Did he eat Mom's soul? I don't know...Why did he bring me here instead of an alley or something? I wonder how Maka was copping with me just disappearing like that.

I was torn from my thoughts by another cut. This time to my arm. I winced. It was right on top of my other cuts. By now? I beg my arm looks like a grid. I didn't cry, no, I've cried too much. This made my dad frown.

"What? Does that not hurt enough?" He asked, grinning. He grabbed my wrist and jerked my up, tossing me halfway across the room. It hurt my neck so bad...I screamed quietly when I hit the floor.

He laughed. He loves this. He loves my pain.

I attempted I stand up, but I just fell back down, landing on broken glass. How does dad live here?

"That enough pain, my little Haley?" I just nodded, "well, you don't decide that." I was too afraid to talk, too afraid to respond.

He cut me a few more times before stopping and walking towards the kitchen.

"You better be there when I get back." He yelled over his shoulder. I nodded. I knew better than to run.

I was shaking, shaking badly. Everything hurt. It hurt so badly. I should be used to this kind of pain now, but I'm not. After non years if this, I'm still not.

I looked outside the window to see the laughing moon. It always has blood dripping from it's mouth. I sometimes wonder where the blood come from. I think every time a person dies, or gets hurt. I'm pretty sure a person doesn't die every night in Death City. But a person gets hurt every night...

I was still shaking. Everything still hurt. I could go and get some pain killers...No, dad would see...He wouldn't like that...

I have too, I need pain killers....I stood up slowly. I winced. I dragged myself to the bathroom. Once I made it in there I felt someone grab me from behind.

"Nah ah ah..!" My dad chuckled. I screamed. He had his hand in sword-form already. Did he ever make his hand normal...? I screamed again as he slowly cut my cheek.

He dragged me back over to my spot, throwing me in the corner. I held back a scream.

"Now, stay there." He growled and walked away again. I burst into tears.

"Haley? Are you alright?!" The Soul Binder asked. No, honestly, I want. I didn't have Crona...

"I-I'll be f-fine."


"Hey, S-Soul Binder..."


"U-Use Soul Message..."

"Wha?! How'd you-"

"The b-book remember?"

"Oh yeah..."

I had read that the Soul Binder could send messages to people it has temporary bound souls with, like friends of the person who possess it.

"Do you want me to message Crona?"

"H-He's not even in Death City. H-He can't d-do anything right now. M-Message Maka."


~~(3rd POV)~~

Maka sat down on the cough with Soul.

"I'm still worried..." She said.

"Calm down, Maka.."

"I can't..."

Soul sighed.

"Maka..." The Soul Binder whispered.


"Its the Soul Binder."


"No time to explain. Haley's in serious trouble. She's-uh-at her found. It's just a few blocks from where you are. You'll know it when you see it."

"Ok...Hey Soul. We need to go."

~~(Haley's POV)~~

"D-Did you send t-the message?"

"Yeah." I only nodded.

I just sat there, hugging my knees, starring off somewhere, starting at the moon.

After a few minutes, my dad came walking in. He looked....drunk. Oh no, this is going to be ten times worse.

"Oh hello." He chucked "It's that time." He turned his hand into a blade. He raised his arm, but didn't get any further than that. The door busted down. Maka. She had Soul I scythe form, ready to fight.

"So you're the bitch." She growled, looking at my dad.

A/N: woooooo can you say LONG!? ;-; sorry this took so long guys!

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