Chapter 8

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"Crona!" I ran up to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged back just as tight.

"Haley..," he pulled away, "What happened to you?" He stared at my now, red dress. Shit, my arms. I looked down. Crona grabbed my shoulders.

"Haley Please."

"I-I was m-my dad." Crona grit his teeth and hugged my tightly "Crona I-I need you..."

"I'm so sorry I'm not there Haley..." He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face in his hands, "I'm so sorry for all that i did to you, I-I." He sniffed. Was he crying...?

"It wasn't your fault Crona."

"B-But I still h-hurt you..!"

"B-But I'm still alive! you got me t-to Stein's!"

Crona sniffed, "I-I love you, H-Haley. I wish I c-could be there."

I hesitated, but kissed him quickly. He blushed a bit, keeping my face cupped in his hands, and kissing back gently.

He pulled away and held one of my cut arms in his hand. He  softly touched the cuts. I whinced. Even the slightest touch hurt. Then it occoured to me. He had never seen my arms without my bandages. His fingerss lightly ran over the freash-looking, open cuts, whic had thankfully stopped bleeding.

"Haley... Is-Is this w-what he does to you?" Crona asked and looked up. I nodded. He frowned, "I need to be there, to protect you."

"B-But you've been e-exiled."

"I-I don't think I could come back even if I wanted to. I'm l-lost."

"I-I need to find you.." I whispered and hugged him again.


"I-I dont know...m-maybe the Soul BInder can help..."




"How are you doing? Out there alone...?"

"I-I dont really know how to deal with it..."

I took his hands in mine, "W-We can deal with this together, a-alright?" He nodded.

"Hey Haley." The Soul Binder interupted.


"Time to wake up."

"Oh o-okay."

Crona hugged me, "Haley, please don't l-leave."

"I-I have to Crona. I-I'll try to t-talk to you again."

"I'm a-afraid..."

"Don't be. I'll fine you. I-I love you."

"I-I love you too."

And with that I woke up.

A/N: oh mi gog guys im so sorry i havent updated. And im sorry this is so short oh mi. i had a lot of writer's block with this chapter. its only half the lengh of mt normal chapters TT^TT im so sorry.

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