Chapter 9

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"Haley?" Maka called out. The blinding, and laughing, sun shone through my window. Wait, normally I was the first one awake, and normally the sun was just starting to come up. What time is it?

"Y-Yes?" I asked, sitting up, and rubbing my eyes.

"I hope you don't mind,but I kept you from school. I thought you needed time to rest."

I nodded. I was ok with that. I could really use it.

~3rd person POV~

" This is absurd father!" Kid yelled angrily at the black figure known as Lord Death, and his father. "Haley needs Crona and Crona needs Haley!"

"Sorry, Kiddo," Lord Death frowned, well, as much as he could frown with that mask on, "but we can't take the risk of someone getting hurt because of Crona."


No way in hell was Kid going to stand for this.

"But it wasn't his fault! I think it was her dad's..." Kid mumbled the last sentence.

"Huh? What do you mean? Martin Fray has been dead for a while now."

Kid's jaw dropped.


"Nine years now to be exact."

That's how long Haley's been beaten.

"How did he die?"

"Blood loss, head was busted open," Oh, okay..., Lord Death paused, "His wife was found dead as well, slice through the neck." That voice was still perky. How?

"How's you know him...?" Kid asked hesitantly.

"Used to be one of my death scythes."


"...Thank you, father." he bowed and left.

Was this how Haley's father was immortal? He was already dead? No, No, Maka saw he had a soul, even if it was a kishin egg. Maybe he faked it?, that's just stupid, there's no way he could actually be dead. How was that even possible?

All Kid knew is that he was going to share this information with Maka.


Haley had fallen back to sleep, resting peacefully with her black hair a scattered mess in her face. Maka smiled softly as she peeked into the room, making sure she was alright. The silence of the house was interrupted by the phone ringing. She hurried over to the phone and picked it up.


"Hey Maka, it's Kid."

"What's up Kid?"

"I have news."


"Haley's father."

Maka's breath caught, "Spill it."

"So... my father thinks... he's dead."


"Yeah, I know, they found his body nine yeras ago."

"When Haley started being abused..."


"Huh... How's that possible?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to try and find out."

"Alright, bye Maka."

"Bye Kid." And with that she hung up.

Maka went to cheek up on Haley who was awake again, reading her book, written by the myserious 'K.' Maka was always curious to how Haley got the Soul Binder in the first place. What had happened? Maybe she'd ask her later. Maka didn't really want to disturb Haley, she looked...sorta happy, and she planned to keep it that way.

Maka retreated into the kitchen to make dinner for tonight, frowning when she realized they barley had any food. Spaghetti will have to do for tonight,


Kid walked aimlessly through the empty streets of Death City. Why was he walking around when everyone else was starting to settle down for the night? Well, to find that bitch named Martin Fray. He was more than curious about him. If he was actually dead or not.

This was really puzzling.

Kid stopped in front of an alley, peeking inside.

And there he was, Haley's father

A/N: OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT GUYS. This chapter um um um um um um don't kill me. THOUGH I HAVE A QUESTION! PLEASE ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS! So I've really let the appearance of Haley's dad be up to the readers, but do you want me to describe him? PLEASE ANSWER! That is all

Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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