Chapter 3

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I made it out of the death room, still crying and running. The halls were empty, I guess class started already. I sat down on the floor, leaning my back against a wall and sobbed. I heard someone walk up to me. It was Maka. She must have come to find me.

"Haley? What happened in there?"


"What about him?"

"H-he's been e-exiled."

"I'm sorry Haley...." I didn't reply "Well, we should probably get to class.."

"O-okay..." I nodded and stood up. We walked to class and took our seats.

Class wasn't the same without Crona. The only thin that was the same was the dissection. I sighed and played with the loose ends of my bandages the whole class. My neck hurt like hell from where Crona sliced me, but I tried to ignore it. My thoughts wandered off to Crona... The memories started off happy, then they just lead up to the point where I 'died.'

I suddenly felt the urge to hug Crona, to tell him it was ok, it wasn't his fault, but he wasn't there. I tried my best not to cry...

Class soon ended, but I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to move. I jut wanted to sit there and cry. I wanted to tell Lord Death it wasn't Crona's fault, it was my dad's. I wanted to tell him all about my dad, but I wouldn't. My dad would just kill me for that. Find me and kill me.

Maka looked at me, extremely concerned. That look of concern on her face never washed off sense she found me in the hall.

"C'mon, Maka, lets leave her alone..." Soul said. Maka nodded and got up, walking away with Soul.

I sat there in the classroom, the only one left. Professor Stein was still there, but I ignored him.

"Haley...." Professor Stein started. "You should go home..." I stood up. I wasn't about to go back to the apartment. I ran out of the room, ignoring the pain from my neck. I didn't know what I was going to do. I just didn't. I wanted to....die.

I ran down to the basement where Crona's room was and opened his door. I went over to the corner, where he usually sat, and hugged my knees.

Now I understood why Crona was in the corner all the time. It felt comforting. Like nothing could touch you. Like nothing could hurt you. Like no one knew you were there. Like you could just fade away....

Eventually I decided to go back home. Back to the apartment. I picked myself up and walked back to the apartment. I felt arms around me. My own arms. I was hugging myself for comfort. I sighed. Tears began to sting my eyes. Closing my eyes, the silent tears fell down my cheek. One went over my stitches under my right eye. I wiped it away.

I was too busy crying to notice.....the Soul Binder was glowing.....

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