Chapter 2

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I woke up again, still in Professor Stein's lab.

"I told you to lay down." He said.


"No. You're going to stay lying down."

"Can't I at least go back to the apartment?"

"Maybe." He said, sighing.

He called Maka and Soul. I could hear Maka from all the way on the other side of the room.

"WHAT!!!!??" She yelled in the phone.

Professor Stein talked with Maka for a while. Finally, he hung up the phone.

"Maka is clearing out an old room for you to stay in. I don't want you on that couch."


Maka and Soul came eventually and helped me back to the apartment. Maka led me to the spare room. I laid down on the bed and sighed.

"Haley, do you want to tell me what happened?" I nodded slightly.

"So I had another was about my dad. He said Crona wouldn't always be there for me. I woke up am ran to Crona again....I ended up stopping in the middle of the street, coughing," I held back my tears. "And Crona f-found me. H-he had Ragnarok in s-sword form..." Maka hugged me.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." I hugged her back.

"He w-was insane. H-he said he had b-been talking w-with my dad..." Maka hugged me slightly tighter. "A-and he h-hit me o-on my n-neck..." I burst into tears.

"Shh." Maka attempted to comfort me. She hugged me again, patting my back.

"P-professor S-Stein said h-he was talking to L-Lord D-Death."

"Yeah," she released me from the hug, "he's in trouble. Big trouble."

"Wh-what's going t-to happen to h-him?" Maka shrugged.

"I don't know, but you should probably get some rest. We'll talk about it in the morning." I nodded. I didn't feel like arguing. She left the room. I closed my eyes, thinking about everything that just happened. I soon fell asleep.

I woke at sometime in the morning. I looked at the digital clock right next to my bed which read, 6:00, the normal time. I got out of bed, going into the kitchen to see Maka.

"Morning Haley! I have some clothes for you to change into sense your dress is, well." She looked at my dress, which was covered in blood.


"Don't worry. The shirt is long-sleeved so no one can see your bandages."

"O-ok. Thanks Maka."

I went back into the room I had slept in, seeing the clothes. There was a blue, long sleeved shirt, a purple skirt and some sneakers. I changed into the clothes and put on the sneakers. The shirt hid my bandages perfectly, and the skirt went to about mid-thigh.

We finished getting ready for school and we left. Eventually, arriving at the DWMA I headed straight towards the death room.

"You have to have permission to enter!" Maka called out to me.

"I don't really care." I yelled back, walking through the doors. I walked up to the mirror where Lord Death was.

"Haley? What are you doin-" he stopped talking when he noticed how pissed I looked.

"What the hell did you do with Crona?!"

"Oh yes, I'm sorry Haley, but he has been exiled."


"I'm sorry, but it had to be done." I stopped away, extremely angry and sad. I broke into a run and cried.

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