Happy Birthday Noella-sama

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As title say, Happy Birthday to you Noella-sama! (or @snowcrows and aleumdaun-fantasies) faithful KnB and haikyuu fan, Fairy Tail fan, everything fan seriously girl I love your sass and all :D (in no homo way lol)

Decided to make a one shot dedicated to you because why not.

Warning : Grammar is shit, randomness, OOCness.


A certain brunette laid of in her apartment, starring out at the window. She flickered her phone screen as she saw today's date marked 28 December. She decided to went out on a restaurant and went out for fresh air in the middle of her semester break at her university.

She changed into a red rose dress and packed up the stuff she needed for the day out. She was about to bid goodbye to her apartment when her cell phone rang and notifies her of an incoming message.

Come to my house at 12 pm. You know where my house is. You must go, because I demand you to.

Her mouth curved a smile as she saw the phone number that text her. Of course, it was none other than her best friend since childhood, Akashi Seijuro. His way of talking and texting never changes. She appreciated the fact that he cares about her, but something just bothers her as much. How did he even know her phone number when she never shared it with anyoneWell at least he seems kind of stalking her but he sure does have his own ways of getting it.

Noella immediately head to the said place, but sadly things didn't went that pretty. She had to endure the pouring rain. She blames the weather forecast for the inaccuracy on their weather prediction. She cursed as she also forgot to bring in her umbrella, and thus, soaking her entire body and her belongings she that she carries along with her.

She arrived at the Akashi mansion, knocking the door twice, but no answer was heard. After some while waiting in the merciless rain, two butler opened the huge door before her, equally same in height as the Zoldyck gate, but less heavy in weight.

She entered the mansion, soaking wet, and the butlers quickly hand her guest towel. She dried herself, but her dressed was soaked in water, and so is her phone. She walked to the living room, and the hallway, but no one was there.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Noella!" The banner read. The generation of miracles, plus Kagami, and Momoi each held presents in their hands, while Nigou just barked, wiggling his tail out of joy.

"Jeez thanks guys!" Noella cheered in happiness. She was overjoyed, seeing how much her friends truly cared for her.

"Noella-san we want to thank you for being a good friend and supporter." Kuroko smiled as he hand over his present to Noella, which was sealed in an envelope. Noella ripped open the envelope, which contains 5 free Starbucks coupon, for any kind of drinks by made by Kuroko, with the help of Momoi who does the paper cutting and decoration mostly. 

"With this, you can drink as much as Starbucks you want. You often treat me vanilla milkshake so I hope this is a fair way of repaying what you did to me, Noella-san. And I still have another present for you, but Momoi has it in her gift since she decided to borrow it before your birthday." Kuroko mouthed as he smiled gently, seeing Noella likes his gift.

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