My lonely ass was tagged

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Thanks to rukiasenpaii for tagging meh.

1. Name ? Xelesna, Xelelele (only for Qrabit-chan), Trixie (by oldies), Ames, etc.

2. Eye color? Black.

3. Hair Color ? Black. If I live in the West I would probs buy colorful hair dyes (cuz I swear I'm getting tired of boring hair dyes such as browns, red, blondes. Why not neon blue, crimson red, purple, and green?!)

4. Fun fact? I often fangirled so hard and laugh out loud while watching/reading animu and mango my parents be like : wtf m8 (idk anymore)

5. Place where I want to be? Home sweet home. Best place 5ever.

6. Favorite Color? Blue, Purple, Red. Monochrome is also very elegant so why not.

7. Artist?

ACTORS : Jennifer Lawrence (KATNISSS---) , Collin O'Donoghue (cuz captain Hook), Thomas Brodie Sangster (Newt and Ferb. Plz. I have crush on those two).

MUSICIANS : Pentatonix, Todrick Halls, Georgia Merry, Beyonce, Tinashe

J-Artists : ONE OK ROCK, Amazarashi, μ's, Spyair, Granrodeo, Bumps Of Chicken, Egoist, Supercell, Chico ft Honeyworks

K-artists : BTS, EXO, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, APINK, Girls Generation, Ailee, GOT7, etc.

DJ(s)? Skrillex, Zedd, Martin Garrix, Alesso, Avici, Dash Berlin, Culture Code.

8. Animals? Rabbits (yup I love you fabbae Qrabit-chan) Cats (thank you for introducing me to Neko Atsume lel) , Chickens (cuz look at how they walk. They are God's fab creature), and Alpaca.

9. Song?

K song? Ice cream cake, Dear Santa, Dope, Run Devil Run.

J song? Pride Kakumei, Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari, Tokyo Ghoul Root A Ending, Hello World, Sister's noise, Kitto Seishun Kikoeru, Can Do, Again, Mighty Long Fall.

Idol Song? Garasu no Hanazono, Ano ne Ganbarre, Start DASH!

English Song? Sing (Pentatonix), Can't sleep love, Wizard of Ahs, Cell Black Tango, etc.

10. Books? Percy Jackson series, Divergent Trilogy, Hunger Games Trilogy, Marie Lu's Champion Trilogy, my mangoes I have read, wattpad books, etc, DC Marvel comic, Maze Runner.

TV Shows? All Anime I have watched, Once Upon A Time, Jessica Jones, The Walking Dead, Supernatural (dropped huehuehue but I still watch it sometimes), Kevin At Work (new series in Star World its pretty good and funny hahaha), Phineas and Ferb (PhiBella FTW huehuehue and I am sad its over but it shall live in my heart), Master Chef (I love cooking and delicious food but I cannot even break an egg lol)

Movies? Avengers series, Suicide Squad, Divergent Trilogy (Allegiant nuuuu----), Hunger Games Trilogy (watching all huehuehue), Minions trilogy, Disney Movies (oldies of 90s to 20th century before Frozen), Love Live Movie (its colorful and worth mentioning---) , All Animu movies.

I guess that is it.

Tagging Marionetto Qrabit-chan WhoEvenCares1203
Ackermanlet I dunno who else to tag lol. Feel free to do it nawt butches.

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