fuck parents

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well the parents who understands nothing about their kid and her struggles. Everything in my life happened for a reason, and truly I love the devil, aka the master and the head of karmatic actions, and all thing and drama you wanted to throw away. 

Yes fuck you devil. I love you to death for messing up with my life, causing too much thought provoking shit that I can call myself contradicting with the speech of my own brain. 

Yeah I so love you brain horned creature with wings that seems like an angel but you are truly one dark red horned bitch like the illustration in the books- no you should be black all over. No whites. That is how shitty you are for your thought provoking shit you are.

Note the sarcasm. I will never honour the devil for what he has done to my life, making it worse. Why would I worship a hades-lookalike? I'd rather die plez bitch. 

Moving on. 

Let's just say being a girl is just an identity. Or a gender slapped into my birth certificate, and because God made me as is, I am 50% satisfied, 50% Not, 100% I don't give a fuck. Certainly, transgender or middle gender, without fake boob transplant or fake penis kind of thing, its FAKE. You cannot choose in between as your gender, but I would be happy if I could be a guy. 

Why the heck is that?

GUYS get 'okay's when they play online game kind of thing. I am not judgemental, but who guys, in their rights, PLAY SCHOOL IDOL FREAKING LOVE LIVE? Yeah one of my classmate a dude, loves Nico Nico Nii, and according to someone close to him, he played sif two years back. Now, he's probably playing vain glory and some random RPG. Or minecraft. 

I'm listening to Tinashe and Beyonce as I typed this shit. How grateful if I can request and beg God on his knees, and pray him every day that I could change myself into a guy, and instead of being Janice, I wanna be Johannes, Johan, James, or whatever male names, I don't care, even Justin Bieber who cares. GUYS live a better life than us ever. And of course, restart my life.  Even the most un-athletic guys could easily ran some good laps from himself excercising with his computer. Us girls? 

Fuck girls. 

Apparently, my mom or PARENTS LET'S SAY believe that every girl should be like : "Mom I want this clothes. They look so fashion-ish kind of thing. It's so chick flick, reminds me of Regina George in her pinkie thursday." 

WELL NO MOM. I do not shop for a long time, yes I am okay with shopping, I can get carried away sometimes and spend hours picking for a clothes, but let's be real, it's only for a certain brand like UNIQLO or Nevada, the other I am pretty much neutral. 

NOT TO MENTION, we bleed from our BALLS. Yes balls. OUR balls is our vagina, so we fucking bleed from them, so that counts as balls bleeding. 

Tbh when my mom ask me : why tf you ain't friending a dude


I have a dude awkward shiz bcz of the fuck I envy them for my whole life. They played soccer like its life, even a nerd can play good (AKA someone who fricking ain't too active and bad boy type). YEAH plus them innuendos. God, guys have a better sense of dirty jokes than girls do. YEAH I MEAN IT GUYS. My classmate Zee/Zel was 100% right about this shit. Guys got better innuendos and dirty jokes than girls combined. 

Girls what do we talk about? 

From the girls I sat near always, they always talk about random things to super duper girly stuff like : "did you do manicure on saturdays?" or "my dog is so cute I cannot even. She is so fluffy." given I do not have any bitches at my house. Bitches are dogs. Y'know what I mean. 

So yeah there are a lot of reasons why I turned anti-social kind of thing. Mainly because I am thrash, and I envy the guys too much to even befriend them. Plus I am not cool and ish. People think I am good girl, but no, I'm the most two faced girl ever lived on earth who dreamed to be a guy, I pretty guess. YUP. 

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