idk rants

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So regarding life on wattpad, idk if I should continue to write fanfiction tbh. Only some people bothered to comment and do feedbacks and all that ish (super duper appreciating whoever commented, like you brighten my day), and I am super duper uninspired for my Once Upon A Fairy. Yes I have unpublished drafts, but let's just say that I have marathoned a lot, and when I mean a lot, it really is A LOT of different wattpad books from fanfiction, to original stories, and sadly, my work and such never satisfy me and it never synchronized me as much as when I read other people's work. 

Sadly, I do not do well with self appreciation, and this happens a lot irl. Seeing the works of Rureh-tan disheartened me, because her writing style is beautiful, I thing she could go for publishing a real book rukiasenpaii

And also, I am not the best cover editor there is in the world. In fact, my cover sucks. I love tumblr because there is a convenient workspace to it, while wattpad use such a cramped up size, I wonder how on earth people can fit their ass and make an exquisite cover don't ask me why. My photoshop skill ain't the best either. I'm just an ordinary freelancer who likes to do stuff, just... 

Let's say writing in wattpad is a whole different level compared to me in 2014. I met Marionetto aka kasu back in the days of 2014 with my 1 year acc which was deleted previously (I think you helped me with the SnK x FT crossover? Dang it brought so much memory) and I was a weeb writer back then, it's just because of her, I stopped using too much Japanese line, because not only a weaboo book can make you cringe from bottom to top, let's say, original books don't do that which seems, again, weird. 

idk guys, if anyone is interested you could probably co-write Once Upon A Fairy with me, or just write it and took over the book yourself? idk I had no more intention to write fanfictions. As you can see, I am SUPER DUPER UNINSPIRED AS HELL. Especially most wattpad fanfics that I saw lately has implied ship bashing and ugh I fricking hate that *cough* Fairy Tail *cough*

NOT TO MENTION, school is hitting me with so and SOOOOO many tests I just ugh can't even anymore. someone should help me before my sanity got ripped out by the holy grim reaper who has preapred my brain its death bed. 

Freaking seriously uninspired. 


and I would thank the hell out of you guys. I do not have the stamina to play SIF and I need to be ready for tiering bathrobe Nozomi and Autumn Nico ugh someone PLZ HALP

and not to mentio, getting myself MORE lovegems for the next Nozomi UR scouting ugh life why u gotta be so rude

i am not leaving wp just probably a LONG 2 months hiatus bcz tests but I drop by sometimes I guess but I'm gonna in front of my papers, stu-dying my ass out (yay) for IGCSE and midtest. 

yeah this is life. 

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