uh no shit sherlock Klab

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Basically bitches who are LL addict

Basically bitches who are LL addict

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What the flipping fuck is this. ^

I don't want to spend 100 love gems to T1 both of these and get cutoffs around 100k for T2 like bitch no wtf Klab. This is bull shit. How do I tier score match like this.

Oh god knows how I am pitying whoever score match falls with the vocaloid maki (I think its forest Umi?) But yeah Maki events is gonna be with challenge fest Rin which I plan to tier like F U C K you K L A B . here is a middle finger and some bitch. Eat it fuck it, I don't care. This is bull.

If they don't expand cutoffs and give double rewards fuck I'm saving for Marine nozo bye bitch Klab you ruined my plan.

Basically going to uninstall this SHIT IDOL FESTIVAL Cuz I just lost all my faith to Klab. Bitch. Bye.

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