Dream is a wish your heart make

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Disney reference gaisss. We need disney in ouh life breh.

I get disheartened like a lot whenever I saw American Highschool, Japan high school, Korean, Aussie, Europe, name it.

Only our country that does not do such thing as field trip to other countries, and offer such fun like staying in a hotel or what not and explore any other nation that might possibly be like field trip to China, Hong Kong whatever aka field trip to other countries and have the hecka fun out of it.

Field trip is something I hate the most. Its boring as f, you stay in cramped up bus, filled with the gangerous chicks and dudes what not, instead of going to beach and amusement park, you go to MUSEUM like what don't we deserve to go like factories where we could take home food and learn how food are made instead of seeing statues of dead people? Like no.

Ugh plez halp. Me need moneh to move like somewhere. Or probably go for student exchange. But money talks. Liiiek what. I wanna pack moi self to somewhere but here. And I am so going for student exchange or what. I just wish I could win lotteries to live up somewhere better.


Wanna lament why mom did not stay in New Zealand when I was a kid. Like why mom. I hate why our country has so many friggin museum but like zero clean beach bcz too much polution

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