1.The Daily Start

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I ran as he chased me. I don't know what to do and where to hide. I just want is to run away from him. He starts saying something in his hoarse manly voice.
"Destiny!Destiny! Wake up."

Destiny Brooke woke up with Cerulean,her eldest sister by her side. She was sweating profously. She looked scared but suddenly realised the nightmare is over.

"Are you fine?" She asked.

"Yeah,just that weird old dream." Destiny answered her without looking at Cerulean.

Cerulean Brooke was a 30 year old girl to whom her sisters mattered the most. She had fair skin with brown middlelength hair. She wore a patterned jumpsuit.

"Okay, get ready or you will get late for school. Martha had made some toast." She said with some shakiness in her voice.

"Are you fine?"
"No, I'm not!" Cerulean snapped suddenly. Destiny jumped a little by this sudden outburst.

"You make me so worried. You are so ill. Weird dreams, sweat and golden eyes!" She continued." We are going to the doctor once you come back."

And she left the room with Destiny surprised.


Destiny came down wearing a white shirt and blue denims with her fringe bag on her waist. Her hair were in a high pony. She wore her favourite black boots. She saw Serene,her second elder sister eating some toast by the black square dining table.

"Hey,Serene. You look absolutely......weird." Destiny mocked her.

"Awww. Thank you. You look the same." Serene said as taking revenge on her.

Serene was a simple girl. She was in the third year of her medical college.

She wore black tee with her brown denims and the beige cardigan. Her hair were in a messy braid. She wore her all-time favourite star patterned black and white sneakers. Her almond shaped brown eyes looked mesmerising.

"Martha, The toast." Destiny said gesturing Martha to serve her some.

"What is the time?"Cerulean said while flipping a magazine.

"9:10" Martha answered politely.
"OMG, people! Bye." Destiny rushed to the car without having breakfast.

"The daily start." Cerulean said with a sigh.
"What is her problem?"Destiny said with a complaining manner to Tyler , her best friend.

They were best friends from the third grade while they were paired for the decoration of a greeting card.

Tyler was a sweet guy with blue eyes. He had a muscular physique which gave an illusion of him being a sports coach.

"Hey,just chillax . She is your elder sister. She gotta worry about you." he answered her in a cool mood.

"Let's just attend the H-I-S-T-O-R-Y class. No need to talk about her and my life anymore. " she said while entering the class.

The class had 20 benches arranged in rows. A teachers desk with a globe was situated right in front of the rows and behind the blackboard. A steel locker was situated in a corner. The class had white painted walls with 4 windows.

Children started entering the class. 15 children were there who had history as their first period.

The normal routine started. There teacher Mr. Brown taught them about the ancient history of America. They all listened carefully. After 45 minutes, the bell rang and everyone departed to their other classes.

As the day passed with classes and the normal routine Destiny had forgotten about the doctor before entering in her house where Cerulean was waiting for her.

" I am coming. Just wait for 5 minutes. Let me get ready."

" What's there to get ready? you look fine. " Cerulean told her while gesturing her to get in the car.

Like the rest of the appointments with different doctors, This doctor at St. Lawerence hospital didn't knew what to do. He said that it was a exceptional case. He had to consult with other doctors.

(in the car after the appointment)

"It is fine Lea." Destiny said while looking at her worried sister.

" It will be better if we don't talk it."


The night passe away in chatting and talking about the daily routines.

After dinner when it was time for bed, Destiny knew she had to face those dreams again, but somewhere in her heart, she believed that this night and the nightmares will pass away in the silence and she will face the bright light of sun which will vanish her nightmares in a blink of her eye.


Hi everyone 😀. I am Divyanshi. This is my first chapter of my first novel* jumps excitedly * 😉 Be open to write any criticism.
So Destiny is having weird dreams😱. What will happen next. You will soon know.😊😎

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