8.Darkness Arrives

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Destiny woke up at eleven in the morning. She saw Serene lying beside her in her white wooden bed. She got out of bed and looked out of the window. She saw the beautiful flowers being caressed by the gentle sunshine. Spring has arrived. She went downstairs and found Cerulean watching television on the couch. Destiny came, hugged her, wished her good morning and sat beside her.

"I am not going to school today, I think?" Destiny asked her sister, still groggy.

"No. I think you need a day to laze around." Cerulean said with her eyes still on the television screen.

"Hmm. What about Serene? Is she going to stay home too?"

"I think so."

Suddenly, they heard a thud from upstairs. It was a clear indication that Serene was up. She came running downstairs. She wore a simple white t-shirt which said in bold 'NOT YOUR ENEMY' and black jeans with her white strapped sandals. Her hair was in a pony.

"Why anybody didn't wake me up?" she yelled while proceeding towards the door.

"Why? You can miss a day at the college." Cerulean said.

"No!" she yelled while unlatching the door.

"And everything is normal." Destiny remarked.

Cerulean laughed at it and said, "You must be hungry. I'll cool you something."

Destiny simply nodded and went upstairs to brush her teeth.


"Time has come, my lord. We have found Destiny." A woman in unusual robes of beige color with a broad metallic bracelet said to a crystal box with a dark entity in it. The entity got excited after listening to this.

She was in a dark cave. The cave screamed with many unrest souls. Her voice was full of revenge.

She said, "We have lived through centuries and nothing can stop us now!" she cried out and the dark entity got more unrest.

She looked like a woman in her forties and it was hard to believe that she had lived through centuries. She moved through a shelf full of vials of potion. She took one vial with a thick purple potion and put it into a cauldron. A white mist was produced by this action. It revealed her face. She was a sight to behold. She was the most beautiful woman who has ever lived though she had a scar moving from her left cheek to her eye on the same side. In the cauldron Serene is seen sitting in her college library and reading a book.

The woman said with specks of retribution in her eyes, "Your weakness is my strength. I warned your parents about you. I told them to slaughter you Destiny but you still live. Now, my lord shall have you and that will be through your precious sisters."


Serene was walking through the corridors of her college. It was previously a castle refurbished again in a medical college. She walked through the stony way when she heard a tinkering sound towards a wall. She usually didn't pay attention to such things but this sound hypnotized her. She started following it and ended up in front of a big stoned wall.

The wall changed its color and black color started to appear. It made some contours in air. A black door appeared on the wall. The door had striking inscriptions embedded on it. She heard a deep voice whispering her name. Interestingly, nobody was there. She clamped the door and the den appeared. The women had her backside towards her. She was whispering something as if talking to the wandering souls.

Serene jolted a little and came back to her senses. She looked around and found the shrieking voices and the gloomy surroundings bloodcurdling. The woman smiled and turned towards her. Serene jerked at seeing the tampered face.

"Welcome. The chosen one." She said whilst moving towards her.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do want? How did I end up here?" Serene said while absorbing the shock.

"I am the servant of the absolute power. You are now in his ambiance. Your fate took you here. Now, serve him." She answered her.

Serene became rigid and said, " Look. I don't know what you are talking about. I have to go home. My sisters are waiting for me besides I can't be with someone I don't know."

"Your answer is as I expected. You mentioned that you have sisters. What if something happened to them?"

Serene's face changed color. She felt a sense of agitation pounding inside her chest and slowly travelling to her whole body coming out in the form of precipitation.

She asked her in a commanding tone, "What do you mean?"

"'Iihday! You say that you will serve my lord and no harm shall be done to your sisters." The women said in an unknown dialect. Serene noticed for the first time that her accent was exotic.

Serene was confused. Nothing mattered to her more than her sisters. She contemplated that if this woman was capable of captivating her till this warren without her awareness then she might be capable of doing great things. She knew just the right thing to do.

"What I have to do?"

The woman smiled. She said, "Kama hu mutawaqqae. You need to tell Destiny to meet her parents. Immediately. She needs to meet them. You do it. Rest will be told."

"How can I be sure that no harm shall be done to my family?"

"You never question the promise of Neith."

Serene kept quiet and shook her head.

Neith waved her hand in air. Serene was back in the corridor and the bell rung. She hurried home for taxi as it will be faster though it will be costly.

The doom was approaching the Brooke family with a steady pace.

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