3.Wrong Game

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Destiny woke up with a terrible headache and found herself in the school first -aid room. She thought about what had happened but it only added to a more powerful headache. The dull white walls gave a gloomy effect to the condition. She found herself on the whine coloured couch. The desk for the school doctor was empty.

She stood up but couldn't walk but forced herself. She suddenly jolted and was about to fall when a pair of muscular yet soft hands grabbed her.

" There, there ; where you think you are going? Just rest." said the man.

"Tyler? " She asked rather happy than confused.

"Offcourse. Whom were you expecting? " He said with a grin while making her sit on the couch.

" Are you okay. You, my girl should work in a fantasy movie. " Tyler said while smirking.

" Very funny. " She said while making a Sarcastic face.

They were interrupted with the opening of the door. Mr. William Emerson walked in.

Destiny was surprised and jumped a little. While Tyler passed glares at both of them one by one.

" Please, don't be afraid. " Mr. Emerson said pleadingly.

" Sorry, sir but Destiny is not in the condition to tolerate more of this health thing. " Tyler said shielding Destiny.

Destiny was surprised at how his best friend cared for her. " It's fine Tyler. I am fine. Just let him talk. Please." Destiny said with eyes half shut.

Tyler moved away. Mr. Emerson mouthed a thank-you.

" May I talk to her alone?" He asked Tyler.

" Sure sir." Tyler said and walked away.

After hearing the door close, Mr. Emerson continued, " have I done anything wrong Destiny? I have met you the first time and I will really not think about hurting someone and--- "

" Mr. Emerson it is completely alright. I just assumed you someone else. " she cut him off while wearing her shoes.

" Okay. Thank God! Well, may I know who is the one troubling you?"

" Umm.. Just A man. He comes in my dreams and scares the crap out of me. I never see him but you resembled his voice." she said while getting up and grabbing her bag.

" Well, not me!" he joked which made her chuckle.

" Your boyfriend is quite possessive. I thought he was about to beat me."

" Who? Tyler. He is just my best friend not more than that." she said calmly.

" Oh! My apologies."

Destiny answered with a smile.

" I may leave now. You take care and Mr. Lash is coming to check you again. "

" Okay. Nice talking to you Sir." she said as he left her alone in the uneasy silence.

Mr. Ivory Lash is the school doctor who always wears brown shirt with black pants with his stethoscope in his neck.

Mr. Lash entered.

" Destiny! My child. Come let's see what is happening inside you! " he said joyfully which made her good in no time.

After she came out, Tyler was waiting for her outside on the wooden bench.

" How are you now?" He said while getting up and holding her hands, tensed.

" Whoa! Why are you so dramatic? I.AM.FINE. Why do you care so much and can I have my hands back?" She said in a go.

Tyler blushed and let go her hands. He sincered up and said," I really care for you. "

Destiny looked in his eyes when her smile disappeared. She was seeing this form of Tyler for the first time. Her friends had told her that he had some liking for her but this was serious.

He was passionate. He started coming close to her.

" Hey! " Cassandra, one of their classmates interrupted.

They both immediately jolted and looked away.

" Are you okay tiny?" She asked Destiny.

" Yeah, will you drop me home. I can't drive right now. " she said hastily while walking away.

" Sure!" She answered while following her.

" Did you see anything?" Destiny asked her.

" No. Anything happened? " She asked while they both faded in the crowd leaving Tyler standing there.

Hi everyone! :) I am so sorry for the late update :( So, Destiny had a chat with her teacher. Blushing moment with Tyler ;) The story is going to surprise everybody. :) ;)

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