9.The Beginning

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Destiny was reading a magazine when she heard the thud of the door of the front porch as it closed.

"Is it you Lea?" she asked aloud with eyes still in the magazine.

"It is me." Serene answered as she approached the main salon where Destiny was relaxing.

"Oh." Destiny said in a nonchalant manner.

"Tiny, I need to talk to you." Serene said with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Yeah." She answered as she kept aside the magazine and saw her sister eye to eye. She patted the couch motioning her to sit down.

Serene kept aside her bag and sat down. She knew she had to do this to save them. She huffed and said a short prayer in mind asking god to give her confidence in this admission.

She said, "I know you have gone through a lot this month. The dreams added to it and also the discussion we had last night." Destiny was quietly listening to her. Serene was shocked for herself that from where this confidence as coming. Maybe God answered her prayers. She further said, "Don't you want to know why our parents did it? What happened that night in their room?"

Destiny was a little stunned at what her sister had just said. She politely answered, "No."

Serene sighed at this as if she was expecting this answer and continued, "But I want you to meet them and ask them about it."

Destiny felt gauche at this and got a little poignant which filled her eyes with tears but she didn't let them come out. She answered her bewildered sister with a little adamant tone, "I don't have any curiosity in finding out anything, okay. Why you want me to do this?"

"For your own good."

"No good can come from meeting those monsters!" she screamed a little as a tear left her right eye and trickled gracefully from her cheek to the cedar floor.

Serene held her hand and caressed her hair as she said, "I understand your pain but try understand what I am trying to convey to you." Destiny just sobbed at this.

"Destiny, what if they really had a problem? What if they have realized their mistake and want to come back? Don't you want parents? Don't you want a mother to take care and a father to protect you-us?" She said as she tried to convince her little sister.

"Yes, I also see this dream."

"So, come on. They are not far away, you should meet them." Serene persuaded them.

"Why don't you go?"

"I would if I could."

"I need to ask Cerulean too."

"No! I mean that she will never allow you." She said in a chaotic manner.

"Okay. I will go today at 6. But where are they?"

"Oh! Here is the address."

"Okay." Destiny felt a little sensation of something wrong with her always charming sister who was now acting all too straight.


Destiny was in her room in front of the dressing mirror as she got ready to meet her parents both physically and mentally. She didn't remember a bit of her childhood when they all were abandoned by their parents. Life brings so many changes with time that sometimes it seems to be really swift but when we pause for a little bit we realize that actually the time was at its normal pace, it was us who outpaced it and blamed it for all the moments left undervalued.

Cerulean was not at home. Office work always bid her adieu from her family.Destiny knew if she finds about her visit, she will get tensed and really burst out in anger on her.

Destiny got up and went downstairs. She approached the door and turned the knob. She glanced one last time at the interior and left. She took the car keys and raced towards Richmond Street where the whole truth about the beginning of her legacy rested.

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