Chapter 4

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I woke up with hair in my face. But it wasn't my hair, or Willow's, then I remembered where I was.
I exhaled loudly, how did I end up here? Then I realised that this was better than having my mind stolen.
From behind me, I heard Glory wake up. "Morning, Cutie." The idea that less than 24 hours ago, this... This goddess was going to suck my brains out, but last night, that goddess was listening to my relationship problems.
I look back at her "Morning." I say
She smiles, only that smile wasn't the one I got last night. It was the psychotic smile she gave me when she was crushing my hand.
Glory looked at my broken hand, and held it in hers. She ran her fingers down it "Sorry about that, Cutie, I just don't want to leaving." Like a broken hand would keep me here.
"But, I'm pretty sure it has to be seen by a doctor." I look at my hand concerned
Glory's face drops "A doctor, you want a doctor?!" She can't even look me in the eye "Do you have any idea how much that hurts me?"
I take a deep breath. I didn't want to hurt her "I- I- I didn't mean to hurt you."
"No. No. Of course you didn't."
"I- I can't believe it."
"Huh? What can't you believe?"
"Two days in a row." I mumble
Her face softens and she holds me close to her "Cutie, this is not like You and that WillBitch. This is you, and me. A hostage situation. Don't forget that. I. Own. You."
I look at my feet, I've been trying to forget that. I sort of trusted, no, I didn't trust, I sort of liked her, and than she goes and does this. She puts her hand on my chin and makes me look at her face to face.
"So, here's the plan, my minions will go out, buy you some human supplies like food and clothes. You," she puts my hands in hers "will go into your knew room, with a nice little lock that only I can open, and stay there until I come and get you."
"What? Couldn't I stay with you?"
"Are you actually being serious, Cutie? Not last night were you trying to get away from me? Well," she holds me hands tighter "you can go to the room I've given you, and wait for me to come and get you."
What. Just what. After everything.
Then a hoard of her minions drag my up the stairs and into one of the massive rooms running along a long corridor.
I try to struggle as I'm thrown into the room, but I know I'll find relief in time alone, I could try a spell to get out.
I hear Glory running up the stairs to my room, and I see her standing in the door frame. "Well Cutie, make yourself at home. I'm going to make a nice speech for you to read to your little gang, as a little reminder as to who is really in charge."
"I'll never read it, I'd rather die."
She walks up to me and runs her fingers down my face "That can be arranged."
She picks up my limp hand and holds it for a minute, without saying anything. Then she walks out, closing and locking the door behind her.
Then I hear her screaming, I run to the door, trying to hear what's happening. Her minions are frantically yelling "Glorificus" then their tones change "aaah, Master Ben."
"How long has she-?"
"Not long enough. She owns that body. You shouldn't be here."
Okay, that's... what...
"Just shut up." Then I hear footsteps going down the stairs.

I try calling out to find out what's happening, but the only reply is "The great Glorificus shall return to collect you when her greatness sees fit." Then they leave as well.
And I'm alone.
I sit on the bed and think to myself What would Willow do?
Oh god, Willow.
The last time she saw me, I told her to go, and told her to not rescue me. I want her and Dawn and the others to get as far from here as possible. If I die here, I want to die knowing that Glory never finds Dawn, and that she and Willow are safe.
But what I wouldn't give to see G-Willow. To see Willow again. What was I thinking?
My hand is still sore, not sore that's not the word, agony probably. Guess Glory doesn't care what happens to me, or else she wouldn't have done this. I try moving my fingers, but my hand just starts bleeding.
Willow could fix this. She could use her magic and fix this.
But she's not here. So she can't fix it.
But, I have magic, one quick healing spell should fix it.
I run my good hand across my bad one and mumble a spell in Latin, it should hopefully fix it, or it will make my hand explode.
But the spell is draining the energy from me, way more than usual. I'm not even finished the first line before-

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