Chapter 6

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"Well?" Glory comes over to me and starts fixing my hair. She runs her fingers through it and tries to style it "This hair is hopeless, you know that right?"
"My hair's actually easy to take care of, we just need a brush."
She considers that idea for a moment "No, sorry Cutie, but you gotta look beat up for maximum effect." The rests her palms on my cheeks "Don't worry Cutie," she bursts into laughter "I not gonna hurt you. No no. I wouldn't dream of hurting you, just for a video. If I was gonna hurt you, it would be for my enjoyment."
It takes a minute to swallow that statement, I know she's trying to be reassuring, but she can't help putting me on edge.
"Cutie? You okay? Did I scare you? Do my powers frighten you?"
The last question really stuck with me Do her powers frighten me?
I mean, she's showed me what she can do, she's honest about what she can do. And it's slightly reassuring that she could kill me if she wanted to, because I know that she doesn't want me dead.
"Umm w-why haven't you like killed me yet? I-if you're wanting to send a message, wouldn't my dead body be a good one?"
"Stop tempting me, Cutie." She looks up and down my body, her eyes go all psycho and she just grins "If you want to send them a message, let's send them a message."
What exactly does she mean by that? Like, is she going to brainsuck me and send me over? Or will she get her minions to dump my dead body in the middle of the Magic Box?
"W-what is the message?" I ask
She hands me a piece of paper covered in writing. "Read this, I'll film it, and my minions will send it over. Have you still got that denim jacket from when I got you? We'll send them that as well."
I take the piece of paper from her

I have a message from the great, all powerful Glorificus
Now, little Slayer, you have the Key. The great Glorificus wants that Key.
There are many things that Glory can do to get the Key, one of them is making a deal.
The Key will be exchanged for the witch. Send the Key to Glory's mansion, the witch will then be set free.
One more thing, this deal lasts 10 days, when those 10 days are over, the witch dies

"So," Glory looks at my excitedly "What do you think?"
"Y-you're going to k-kill me..."
"No, no" Glory puts her hands on my waist "I was just saying that. Adding a deadline means that the Slayer's gang will tear themselves apart quicker, shall we watch?"
"No, they won't tear themselves apart. And they'll never give you the Key."
"Aaaaw, Cutie, that sounded so boring. The new outfits, the new room, we're getting a new you. Who cares about them? You shouldn't. If they cared about you, they'd already have busted that door down and taken you back." She pauses, clearly giving me time to think. I did tell Willow to keep Dawn safe, and that I'd be fine myself. But if it was any other Scooby, Buffy would've broken that door down. And if it was Dawn, Glory would be dead. But it's me, the least important Scooby. I'm not even a Scooby, Willow only says that to make me feel better. "See?" Glory's holding my hand now "The only one who cares about you, Cutie, is me."
"Yeah, now, let's film a video."
She picks up the camera and turns it on. Her eyes have a look of insanity.
"So, Slayer. Here's a message, but it's not from me," she points the camera at me "say hi"
She points to the sheet and mouths read it. She places the camera on the table and stands behind it. Don't go off script. She mouths
I take a deep breath
"I - have a message from the great, all powerful Glorificus." The paper shakes in my hands "N-now little Slayer, you have the K-key. The g-great Glorificus wants t-the Key. There are many things the great Glorificus can do to get the K-key, o-one of them is making a d-deal. The Key w-will be exchanged for t-the w-witch. S-send the Key to Glory's m-mansion, the w-witch will then be set f-free. One m-more thing. This deal l-lasts 10 d-days. When those 10 days are o-over, the witch d-dies."
I drop the sheet "Are we done?" I ask
Glory walks over to me and turns to the face the camera "But a lot can happen in 10 days."
She puts her hands behind my head and kisses me.

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