Chapter 10

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"Morning, Cutie."
The first thing I see when I wake up is Glory's face looking at me.
She kisses me then chucks some clothes at me. "We've got things to do."
I give her a smirk "What sort of things?"
She puts her hands on my hips "Not that, at least, not now. No, I'm going to teach you how to fight. Like that hand-to-hand fighting."
I pull a tshirt over my head "We did enough of that last night."
"You drive me crazy, Cutie. But you have to be able to defend yourself. What if the Slayer comes to take you away?"
"But... the Slayer is my... I think I was friends with her..."
"What? She never saw you as a friend. The Slayer doesn't have friends, she has sidekicks. People to take the fall for her. People who die, fight, do the nitty gritty stuff whilst she takes all the credit for "saving" the world by killing people with dreams, with goals. Her job description is killing vampires because they need to feed on humans to survive. Is that fair? Is her bossing people around fair? Is it fair that she is making it impossible for us to go home?"
She lets that hang in the air. Is that fair? Is everything Buffy does fair or selfish?
Glory comes over to me with bandages and a sword. She puts the sword in my hand, closing my fingers around the hilt with her hand.
"Now, try to stab me."
She takes the sword and plunges it into her stomach.
"What are you doing?!" I sit her down on a chair and grab the bandages.
"Cutie, don't worry. I'm immortal. This," she points to the stab wound "is just to prove a point."
I stare at the blood pouring from her stomach "I'm still not putting a sword through your body. I'd rather-"
"You'd rather what?"
"I'd rather die."
She looks at me and smiles "Bite your tongue."
I bring myself closer to her "Do it for me."
The corners of her lips curl up "Well, you're asking for it." She sweeps me of my feet and we land on a long couch. Her fingers dig into my hair and she moves her leg around my waist and tenses her muscles until I can't move. She runs her tongue up my neck and across my cheek until she reaches my lips. She presses her lips hard against mine, sucking the air out of me. I begin to kiss her back, running my fingers through her hair.
"You're mine." She whispers
I respond by lying back across the cushions "I'm yours."
She puts her body on top of mine "Don't forget that." She kisses me "Don't ever forget that."


Glory takes my hand and peels me off the cushions. "So, we're not going to teach you how to fight if we keep that up."
"Are you saying that's a bad thing?"

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