The Life Before Now

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Sorry I skipped a day on updating! I've been busy.

Hopefully, you'll like this chapter.



Alec tugs on my hand as we go further down the foggy street.

"I don't think he can see us anymore," I point out, stopping.

He turns and looks at me. "Instead of going to your house every day, you go here."

I raise an eyebrow and look around the fog. "Uhh.. in nowhere?"

He shakes his head and steps out of the way, looking at a beautiful beach house with everything a mansion would have.

I gasp and he laughs. "Anything you want will come here. Think of it, and it will appear. But it only works at this place," he instructs and I nod, closing my eyes I imagine a field of roses.

I open my eyes and they appear around us, making me smile and run through it, pulling him along with me as I go into the house.


**Bailey's POV**

I look around and grip the red, silk sheets of my new bed as I hear the door open.


"Hey," he smirks and sits next to me as I scoot away from him, folding my arms across my chest.

"What do you want?"


"Too bad! Im.."

"Dead.." he finishes for me.

I look at him, brown eyes wide. "No I'm not! I know  Allison will find me. I don't give a damn what you think."

He laughs. "Bailey, we're in one of her past lives. The third, to be exact. You really think she'll come back here to find you?" he asks, reaching forward to touch me but I smack his hand away.

"I know she will! She's my sister!" I hiss.

He grabs me and pulls me to him. "No she won't. She's too busy with her soul mate," he whispers and begins kissing me.


**Original POV**

I look at Alec. "Well if I have so many past lives, do you mind telling me one?"

Alec shrugs and leans back on our beautiful manifested couch, looking at me with love. "What about the one in Italy?"

I nod, smiling. "Anything."

Alec nods and begins to tell the story.


**Alec's point of view. Florence, Italy ; 1905*

I sit down at a table and watch everyone dance.

Girls smile.. wave.. and do whatever they can to get my attention.

I look away from them as quick as I can until I spot her.

The one girl I've been searching for.

I know it's her.

She smiles briefly at me and pulls her long blonde hair into a half ponytail, dress flowing around her as she spun and danced.

She stops and reaches for my hand, blue eyes twinkling.

I accept her offer and she pulls me with her, hands going around until they're on the back of my neck as my hands rest onto her waist.

"What's your name?" she asks, soft lips curling into a beautiful smile.

"Alec.. but I would be much rather interested in the maiden infront of me."

She blushes at my statement and nods. "Allison."


I spin her swiftly and pull her back into my grip, smiling. I watch as she gets onto her toes and presses her pink lips to mine.

Everything freezes as the room goes dark and I hear a scream.

My hands search everywhere, but I don't find anyone.

The lights flick back on and I see her lying helplessly on the floor, blood trickling out of her mouth.

I kneel by her and cry, picking her up into my arms.

Everything will have to start over from now.

I love you, Allison. Where ever your next life is, I will find you..

Being Immortal (Watty Awards 2011)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя