The Job

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    "Ah! I wish I could just lay here and finally sleep!" I groan as I plop down on my bed.
    "Well, why don't you? It is pretty late already." Asks Ai, jumping up next to me.
    "Because," I say, sitting up, "I've gotta go to work."
    "Why don't you just go back home? Then you wouldn't have to do uhm... 'Work'"
    "Ha! And go back to those so-called-parents? No way!"
    "I'm sure they love you, Rin, you and your parents probably just had a fall out."
    "Right," I mutter, pushing in the top of a bottle of cherry flavoured Ramune. I continue after hearing the satisfying sound of the marble dropping into the first chamber of the soda, "If they loved me they wouldn't have just about disowned me for-" I take a drink of the sweet beverage, "well, let's just say they're two of the many idiots the world would be better off dead. 'Course-" I pull out a melon pan from a paper bag I had been holding and take a bite, "I won't kill 'em, I mean, I could, but I won't kill someone of my blood, no matter how much of an imbecile they are." I take another bite and put the other melon pan in the bag at Ai's paws, "It depends on what they did, though. I mean, if someone in my family were to kill, say, a bunch of kids or somethin', I'd take 'em out to prevent them from-" I take another bite of my snack,"doing it again, but I wouldn't harm 'em if they'd just wronged me, I'm not that irrational, Ai."
    "I see," she says, licking her jowls as she finishes her snack,"but you never explained to me the reason behind your escape."
    "I'd rather not talk about it, Ai." I say, finishing my melon pan and walking over to her water bowl and pouring in her favorite drink: Melon Creamy Soda, I never really cared for the creamy beverage, with its bubble gum beginning and the overly sweet after taste. "Maybe another time, but for now," I walk back over to my bed, passing Ai as she walks over to her water bowl near the entrance, "I've got to check if anyone wants to pass me up on my offer." I pull out my laptop from under my bed and turn it on, typing in my password and taking a swig of my drink as I wait for it to load. After loading, I pull up my email, I had posted an anonymous comment on a few websites stating I would assassinate anyone, given they were at least 18 and not any politician for the small amount of 1,806,675 ¥. ($15,000, £10121.15, €76.92) I'm not exactly proud of what I do, but I'm not old enough to get a job and these types of people know that if they spill anything it could get them thrown in jail or killed by me, not to mention with my power it's almost impossible for me to get caught. "Looks like we've got a taker." I say, opening an email.
    "Who's the person this time?" Asks Ai, jumping up next to me.
    "Someone by the name of Ichirou Fujioka. Apparently his younger brother, Jirou Fujioka wants him dead for... killing his 8 year old daughter?"
    "What?! You gonna accept the offer?"
    "Of course! You gonna come with?"
    "Ah, nah, I'm too tired."
    "Alright," I send him an email telling him where we could meet up to do the payment. He agrees and I tell him I'm on my way before closing my laptop and standing up. "Well, wad'ya want for dinner tonight, Ai?"
    "Hm, how about some Miso Soup?"
    "Sounds good! I'll be back soon!" I say, finishing off my drink and throwing it into the trash can.
    "Alright, Imma take a nap while you're out, lemme know how it goes." Says Ai, yawning and settling down on my bed.
   "'Kay, see ya in a bit." I wave to her before closing the door behind me and locking it. I walk down the stairs of the apartment complex and almost run into Bunko Kato, my 'next door neighbour'. "Oh! Hi Kato-san!" I smile, she's an older lady, she sometimes watches Ai when I'm running errands and doesn't ever question the fact that I have a wolf in my apartment, no one can see her wings unless they possess magic.
    "Oh, hello deary, going out so late?" She asks me.
    "Yes, I have to go grab some Miso Soup from the market, but you don't have to worry about Ai, she's asleep."
    "Okay, well have fun with that dear, I'll use the key you gave me if Ai begins to whine."
    "Yes, thank you, Kato-san"
    "Alright, I'll see you around!" I say as I wave and walk past her, once she goes inside I grab my bike and begin to pedal towards our meeting place. Once there, I turn into my magical girl form as I spot my client, "Hello? Are you Jirou Fujioka?" He jumps as I speak, he obviously wasn't expecting a 16 year old girl in cosplay to take the job.
    "Uhm, yes... Are you Felmight?" He asks me, he's a grown man in his 20s with light brown hair and eyes.
    "Why yes, that I am."
    "Huh? That can't possibly-" Yeah, yeah, this always happens. I interrupt him by taking out one of my daggers, he doesn't have time to think before I'm throwing it so that it just skims the side of his head.
    "You were saying?" He looks at me wide eyed as he takes out his wallet to give me the respective amount.
    "Pleasure doing business with you, do you by chance know where your brother is at this very moment?" I ask him.
    "Y-yeah, he's at his house, sleeping probably."
    "Address?" I ask him, to which he gives me, I assure the death of Ichirou and pedal my way to his house. Once there, I hide my bike in some bushes and begin to look through every window in the house, using my illusionary magic to make it appear as if I'm not there. I eventually spot him watching TV in the living area, I go to the window which overlooks a bedroom. I slowly and silently open the window, this guy should really lock his windows. I silently open the door to the bedroom and walk through the house until I find the living headquarters, Ichirou sitting on the couch watching what appears to be Sailor Moon. Nice, a Sailor Moon fan. I walk over to him and make my magic inactive, I then walk into his view. He jumps, but before he can scream I lunge forward and cover his mouth,
    "Shhh... Ichirou-kun, calm down..." I mumble, he looks up at me with wide, scared eyes, he looks an awful lot like his brother, but with a shade darker hair and eyes. "I just wanted to tell you that it's not good to kill 8 year olds, and your brother Jirou wanted this fate to befall you... Revenge if you will." I then pull out a dagger, I flip it in my hand and the light of the TV shines off of the blade. He begins to struggle, but I hold on, "I'm sorry it has to be like this, Ichirou-kun... But you should really lock your windows." I then make a clean slice to his windpipe, he struggles for a moment, but then stops, having died of lack of oxygen, "Sorry Ichirou-kun, but it had to be done." I say, standing up and covering my tracks with my magic. I wipe off my blade with a cloth and place it back in its rightful place before taking my leave,
    "Moon prism power, make up!" I hear Usagi, one of the main protagonists yell as I walk from the living room, heh, real magical girls don't need to yell anything to use magic.
    "Thank you, enjoy your Miso Soup!" The vendor smiles brightly to me as I take the bowls of soup,
    "Have a nice night!" I grin back as I begin to walk away towards the apartment complex. I put the closed bowls into my book bag I always carry around and ride my bike back home.
    "I'm back Ai!" I call as I close the door behind me. She looks up blurry eyed,
    "Did you get the soup?"
    "Yeah, I didn't know which kind you wanted, so I just got us both beef." I say, sitting on my bed and taking them out.
    "I'm fine with that." She says, jumping down from my bed and stretching with a yawn, "So how'd it go?" She asks me as I place her bowl on the ground and she begins to eat.
    "It went okay, the idiot didn't lock his windows, so I just slipped in through his bedroom window and took care of it in the living room, a clean kill. And get this-" I say, taking a bite of my soup,"he was watching Sailor Moon!"
    "Heh, really?"
    "Yep," I say with a mouthful of beef and broth,"at least he got to meet a real magical girl before his death, even if just for a moment... That's a nice gift, neh?" I say, swallowing my mouthful and taking another.
    "If you say so, Rin." After eating, I take mine and Ai's bowls and toss the plastic containers in the trash.
    "Ready for bed, Ai?" I ask her after brushing my teeth and taking a shower.
    "Yep, if you are." She says, jumping up and laying just at the foot of the bed.
    "Well, good night Ai." I say, turning off my lamp next to the bed.

This all of a sudden turned into the diary of a murderer...

But I just realized how much Rin has turned into Kyouko

I had meant for her to be more like Mami: refined and a good cook with not an evil bone in her body, but look at where that got me!

Eh, that's to be expected given Kyouko is my favorite character in the series.

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