On my own again

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Looks like I'm on my own again. I sigh, having told Avaron-chan about Ai and the fact that I wouldn't be able to stay in Kazamino any longer, resulted me in leaving for Mitakihara before she even awoke. I take a breath of the cold, crisp morning air and close my eyes, allowing the sun's rays to sink into my skin, the soft heat crawling up my body. I open my eyes and continue to walk through Kazamino, walking past all the tall buildings, restaurants, parks. This was my home after my parents disowned me all those years ago, and now I have to leave just like I left my homophobic family. I flinch as a sharp pain ripples up my arm. I roll up the sleeve of my hoodie to look at the bite I had received from Maki-oneechan's fox last night. Maki-oneechan... I always knew she hated me, but enough to kill me? Is she mad? When did she make her contract? I suppose it doesn't matter anymore, but the bite I received still hurts and it looks infected. Why? Surely it would've healed over night, I'm a magical girl! I stagger slightly as I suddenly become dizzy and the wound begins to throb. My hand hits the cold surface of a building and I lean into it, struggling to not fall over. I pull my left hand out in front of me, my palm facing the sky. The gem gets bigger and the silver around it shifts into the base of the gem and takes on a gold color in a flash of silver. I pull out a grief seed as I see my soul gem is surprisingly dark. The grief seed touches my gem and the darkness goes into the seed. I look around for Kyuubey to dispose of the seed, but shrug and pocket it when I surprisingly don't see him running for me.
After a moment's rest, I push myself upright and begin at a wobbly walk, which turns into a sprint as I realize just how long I'd rested, Avaron-chan will be waking up soon. I note as I notice the sunrise beginning to fade. I soon spot a sign stating "You are now leaving Kazamino" and slow down a bit. Almost there-
"Rin!" I hear a familiar voice yell from somewhere behind me. No... No fucking way... Why's she here?!
"Avaron-chan?!" I gasp, whipping around in a flurry of panic and hope. Is she coming to join me?! But what about her family?! I'm gonna kick her ass if she left them! But she came back to me! I'm not alone anymore! My eyes widen in confusion and my heart sinks as I see nothing behind me, just the buildings of Kazamino, the sun's rays refracting between the structures, "Avaron... chan...?" My eyes search hopefully, desperately, panicked until my emotions are overcame with relief, disappointment, sadness... Loneliness. I sigh in defeat and continue on, my heart aching at the thought of never seeing Avaron-chan again. I walk past another sign but pay no mind to it as I drag my feet onwards, thinking back to how much my 'new' friends had changed my life. I went from a girl with hopes of dying, but never coming close to a girl overwhelmed with happiness to now. I think back to my first time meeting everyone, from the start I liked Harumi-chan... Then Megumi-san healed me back to full health... Ai was there for me till the end. I subconsciously stop walking and clench my fists, the corners of my eyes stinging and my throat burning as I attempt to hold back tears. And now they're dead... None of this would've happened to them if they had never met me! I grow weak in the knees and crumple to the ground next to an unfamiliar building in Mitakihara, tears streaming down my face, my left hand covering my mouth in an attempt to muffle my sobs.
"Rin Kagomi?" An all-too-familiar voice says from beside me. I remove the used grief seed from my pocket and throw it in the direction of the voice without looking up, "What's wrong, Rin Kagomi?" The voice asks again, a white space farret walking into view.
"What do you want, Incubator?"
"I don't understand why you're upset. Sure, your comrades are gone, but you're alive and well, why are you so down?"
"You wouldn't understand, Kyuubey."
"It appears so. But there is something I'd like to see of you." He says, after a moment of silence he continues, "Kyouko Sakura and Sayaka Miki are a witch." I stare at Kyuubey for a moment.
"Don't you mean 'Kyouko Sakura and Sayaka Miki are witches'?" I correct him.
"Nope, I meant what I said. I don't quite understand it, but they died in the same labyrinth at nearly the same time because they used up all of their magic. Somehow they fused into one extremely powerful witch."
"The Hell...? Are we talking Walpurgisnacht-strong?"
"No, no." He says, shaking his head, "But she is still rather powerful."
"I guess I could be as of some use to those two." I mumble.
"But hear this, Rin Kagomi! I believe that with your powers you could potentially save them altogether!"
"What...? How?!" I ask in amazement.
"This is only a theory, but what if you tried to pull them out with you?"
"You mean appease them, but pull them out before they pass?"
"Yes, that's right!"
"Wait... how does this benefit you, Incubator? I've never known you to do something like this for someone else's benefit."
"Research, Rin," he says, flicking his tail, "you're one of the few girls I've met to have this kind of magic and survive for as long as you have."
"Fair enough."
"So, what do you say? Will you try to save Kyouko Sakura and Sayaka Miki?"
"Why not? It's not like I have anything left."
"Now, that's not true, Rin! What about Avaron Tsumiko? I don't quite understand, but you seem to harvor deep emotions for her."
I chuckle half-heartedly, "Of course you wouldn't understand, I know very well my emotions for her, but she's not coming for me, I've got no-one anymore... it's just like what happened with Ryuko..."
Where are you, Rin?! I pant, my heart thundering in my chest and my legs carrying me through Kazamino as fast as they can. I should use my wings to get a better view! I stop in an alleyway to catch my breath, my right hand on my chest in an attempt to take away some of the pain, my left protruding my blue soul gem. No! No! I shake my head furiously, I can't be seen with my wings! Not again! But if I don't... I pull out a hair band from my jean pocket and tie up my long blue hair in a ponytail with shaky hands to try to help cool myself. I slump down, my whole body aching and shaking with adrenaline, but nothing hurting as much as my heart. Why...? Why does my heart hurt like this?! I feel the corners of my eyes sting and I wipe the tears forming with a swift hand. I can't risk losing her... I've never... never felt like this before... what the Hell is wrong with me?! With my emotions obscuring my logic, I turn into my magical girl form in a flash of blue and make my wings lift me into the morning sky. I'm aware of the stares of the early birds of Kazamino, some of them not looking up from their phones, others recording, and others staring in awe as I soar through Kazamino towards Mitakihara, keeping a bird's eye out for Rin. This goes on for a while until I spot her on the outskirts of Mitakihara.
I pull my legs closer to my chest as I hear a familiar voice call my name. I'm just hearing things again. I decide as another tear hits the pavement just below me.
"Rin!" I hear the voice call again, louder this time as my wound throbs and pain courses through my veins. Suddenly a powerful blow hits me, sending me sprawling with the weight of something on top of me.
"Rin! Rin!" my heart skips a beat upon realizing the voices were real, and here Avaron-chan is, eyes brimmed with tears as she buries her face in my chest. Relief floods my thoughts and the pain seems to disappear as I close my arms around her.
"Avaron..." I gasp through the new tears, embracing her with all the strength left in me as the world becomes dark around me and my senses fade.

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