The Witch

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Harumi's witch theme is up top

"AGH!" I yell out in frustration and despair as I fall to my knees and fight back tears. I feel someone take hold of my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me. "Why...?" A rainbow of emotion comes crashing down on me, but the most noticeable is my anger rising as I remember my discovery of the illusionary magic that I had been unable to detect. "Who would want Harumi-chan to..." I choke up, unable to finish the sentence. I turn my head to look behind me and I see Megumi-san staring in shock in the direction Harumi-chan's witch had fled, seemingly not wanting to believe she was gone. Avaron-chan was the one leaning into my back, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "Harumi-chan..." I let her name slip from my mouth without thinking, how did it come to this? Just the other day she was so lively and... Happy. We all sit in silence for what seems like hours before Avaron-chan and I stand up. "We need to get going." I say quietly, putting an arm around her shoulders. We walk over to Megumi-san, who had been silently staring the entire time, tear streaks running down her cheeks. I take her hand and she jumps, seemingly not have been listening, "C'mon Megumi-san." She nods and we walk in the direction of my apartment, Ai following close behind, having not recovered from the shock.
"Guys, I need to tell you something I discovered when Harumi-chan was staring at the cement." I mumble, Ai, Avaron-chan and I were sitting on the bed with Megumi-san leaning against a wall, she looks up at this.
"What is it, Rin-chan?"
"Well, illusionary magic made Harumi-chan see an image of her sister lying on the ground, dead."
"'Illusionary magic?'" Echoes Ai, "Then does that mean...?"
"Yes, either a witch with that magic was present, or someone wanted Harumi-chan d... gone."
"But who would want that?" Asks Avaron-chan.
"I've known her all my life and she tends to get along with everyone." Mumbles Megumi-san, deep in thought.
"Well, we should at least grant her the gift of death." I say, remembering all the despair that a magical girl has to withstand once she becomes a witch.
"How could you say that?!" Gasps Avaron-chan, "You expect us to kill our friend?!"
"Avaron-chan," I reply slowly, not wanting to upset her, "you have no idea how much agony a witch is in. Harumi-chan would be better off going to wherever magical girls go to after death, even if she disappears altogether."
"B-but... I don't know if I can bring myself to..." Avaron-chan trails off.
"It's okay, I'll do it... It's not like it'll be a first for me."
"You've had to deal with this before?!"
"Of course, don't you remember what I told you in the Ramon shop?" Avaron-chan grows silent after this, seemingly thinking.
"I'll help you." Says Megumi-san.
"Are you sure? You know you don't have to, I have a trick I can use to end the battle quickly."
"I'm sure, this is my life-long friend we're talking about, we made a promise we'd be together until death. This is something I have to help finish." I nod, at least I'll have more help, there's no telling how powerful she'll be.
"I'll stay back with Avaron-chan." Says Ai, leaning up against said magical girl as she contemplates the mission.
"Then it's settled, we head out tomorrow at dawn and track her down, got it?"
"Alright." Replies Megumi-san.
"That's Harumi-chan?!" Gasps Avaron-chan as we look on at the chain creature before us.
"You never really think about how different they look from their human form, huh?" I ask solemnly. I feel a hand touch my shoulder,
"Let's go, Rin-chan." Says Megumi-san. I nod and we both walk into Harumi-chan's view. As soon as she spots us, the witch lets out a fearsome cry of rage and a loud sound emits from her as she coils up into a tight ball of chain. A moment later, she unfurls herself in one swift motion and a bunch of grey star shaped minions begin rushing towards us. Megumi-san and I split up just as they reach us, one of them using one of its points to claw me. I flinch as a sharp pain pierces my arm and runs from my shoulder to my elbow. A second later, a flash of green goes past me and I see Megumi-san giving her all to destroy the minions.
"Get Harumi! I'll take care of these!" I nod and run towards the witch. Once there, I disguise myself as one of her minions and she doesn't react until I throw my daggers at her. A few lodge themselves between the chains and the witch releases a cry of fury. She then raises an arm and the end turns into a sharp blade. I dodge just as the blade comes crashing down. Suddenly, a smaller blade shoots from her other arm and manages to clip my side. I growl in frustration as a red blossom appears on my uniform around the wound. I'm then abruptly pushed to the side as yet another attack hits the ground. I look up at my savior to see Avaron-chan.
"Ai is helping Megumi-san! Let's finish this!"
"Okay!" I begin trying to make copies of Avaron-chan, but am abruptly stopped as we're hit with a large sharp object, the witch attacked again. We're thrown to the side and we hit a wall, Avaron-chan sinks to the ground and stops moving as she transforms back into her street clothes.
"AVARON-CHAN!" I cry out, praying to the gods she's still alive. I feel a tight squeeze around my abdomen and I look down just in time to see chains wrapped around me as I'm thrown into the air. A sharp pain pierces my side and I realize it's probably a blade attached to the chain like Harumi-chan's weapons. She swings me upside down and I cough up blood as I hang there. I notice maroon droplets dripping from the chain around my abdomen as they tighten. My strength begins to ebb away as I realize just how much blood I had lost. As the chains tighten more, I notice I can hardly breathe, a few seconds more and I might pass out. In a desperate attempt to take down the witch and release Harumi-chan, I focus on the witch. A second later, I feel something grab me just as I'm transported into the witch's mind where Harumi-chan dwells.
"HARUMI!" I hear a voice yell and Megumi-chan rushes past me to hug the crying Harumi-chan. Before I have time to think, I open my eyes in the regular world, panting heavily and trying to keep conscious.
"Rin-chan!" I hear two voices yelp as Ai comes into view, Avaron-chan limping behind her, short of breath. I yelp in pain and protrude my soul gem to purify it with the grief seed we had collected the other day. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as the pain instantly disappears and I slowly rise to my feet for Avaron-chan and Ai to help walk me home. I take one last look behind us as the labyrinth begins to dissipate and spot Megumi-san's body lying where the witch had been, a faint smile stretched across her face.
I liked Harumi-chin! (>^<)

Too bad she and Megumi-chin are dead now (;-;)

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