Water park

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"Aww, too bad I don't get to see my dear Avaron-chan in a bikini." I tease as we walk from the changing room in our bathing suits, me in a white bikini, Avaron-chan in a blue one piece, Megumi-san in a green scuba diver suit type thing, and Harumi-chan in a pink bikini with white spots.
"Sucks to be you!" Replies Avaron-chan, her face a light pink.
"Oooh~? Does it now?" I ask with a devious smile as we approach the water's edge.
"What's with that loo- AGH!" She Yelps in surprise as I push her into the water and jump in after her. "You idiot!" She cries, causing the entirety of the people in the establishment to stop and stare as she splashes me, "I could've drowned!"
"Hahaha! W-why would you have done that?!" I ask through all the splashing and laughter.
"I can't swim, moron!" At that, I dunk under the water and come up a moment later between Avaron-chan's legs, causing her to sit on my shoulders.
"Then I'm gonna teach ya!" I yell as she squeals in surprise, earning me a few giggles and smirks from the people around us, to which cause Avaron-chan to turn red in embarrassment. "You've got the idea!" I call to the people who are giggling and smirking, "The party has arrived!"
"Shut up, Moron-chan!"
"Oh you did not just call me that nickname!"
"Alright, you asked for it!" I call before running in the direction of the water slide in the middle of the pool.
"W-what?! I'm not going on that slide!"
"Oh yes you are!"

~Harumi and Megumi~
"Aaand there the lovers go again." comments Harumi as Rin runs off in the direction of the water slide, Avaron flustered on her shoulders.
"Didn't they say they were only pranking us yesterday?" Asks Megumi, they had to leave Ai behind, as dogs weren't allowed.
"Well yeah, but Avaron still likes her, I'm surprised those two aren't awkward around each other."
"But, y'know, I feel like Rin-chin has taken a liking to Avaron as well, though she might not admit it."
"Oh? How so?"
"Well, I've never seen Rin-chin in a more panicked state than yesterday when my parents walked in, nor have I ever seen her so red."
"That's true... Say, shall we go get something to drink at the vendor over there?"
"Sure! HEY! RIN-CHIN! AVARON!" Yells Harumi towards Avaron and Rin, who are waiting in a long line, "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DRINK?!"
"I'LL TAKE A RAMUNE!" Calls Rin, she turns to Avaron to ask her something, and continues with, "AVARON-CHAN WANTS A WATER!"
"GOT'CHA!" Replies Harumi as she and Megumi walk over to buy the selected drinks.

~Avaron and Rin~
"You know you can put me down now." Comments Avaron-chan as we stand at the top of the water slide behind a few people.
"Nope! I'm gonna carry you until it's our turn, my queen!"
"Wha-?! 'Queen?' I-it's not like I'll run away or anything..."
"Do you really thing I'm gonna trust that?" I ask jokingly, "For all I know, you might sprout wings and fly away."
"Moron-chan..." Pouts Avaron-chan.
"Hey hey hey! That's the name that got you into this!" I smirk, "Want me to play a part two on you?"
"Uh? 'Part two?' What do you mean?" She looks down at me in confusion. I snicker and pull her from my shoulders so that I'm holding her bridal style, I put her down.
"You're so fun to tease." I grin and kiss the tip of her nose.
"Wha- wha- wha- wha-?!" She stammers and I laugh at her dumbfounded face. That's when I hear her scream. I look up just in time to see her fall into the darkness of the tunnel like slide.
"AVARON-CHAN!" I yell and rush forward, only to be stopped by a bald man wearing a staff shirt and jeans.
"You have to wait your turn, miss." He says through a bushy purple mustache, did he not see the look of genuine terror on her face?!
"Out of my way!" I yell, pushing past him, but being grabbed and shoved to the ground.
"I said wait your turn, miss."
"She can't swim, moron!" I yell desperately and shoot myself down the slide as fast as possible after a moment or two of struggling past. I land in the water at the bottom with a big splash and swim up to look for Avaron-chan, only to see her unmoving body just beneath the surface of the water. I swim to her and pull her onto the concrete, I check to see if she's breathing, nothing. I begin to perform CPR, tears stinging the corners of my eyes as I pump in on her chest and blow air into her lungs, a small crowd beginning to form around us.
"What happened, Rin-chin?!" Harumi-chan asks me in shock as she and Megumi-san push through the crowd.
"S-she slipped!" I gasp, panic-stricken.
"Is she breathing?!" Asks Megumi-san.
"N-no! I don't think so!" Just as those words escape my lips, Avaron-chan sits up and begins coughing, water pouring from her mouth.
"Avaron-chan!" I pull her into a tight hug, "I-I thought you had left me!" I cry, unable to hold my composure any longer as I bury my face into her neck. The small crowd begins rejoicing thanks to Avaron-chan's recovery, but I'm not listening. After a moment or two, Avaron-chan hesitantly wraps her arms around me.
"You saved my life!" She mumbles, to which I look up at her and smile through the tears.
"More of a reason to learn how to swim."
"Just consider it my payment for all you've done for me." After a moment of silence, I stand up and extend a hand for Avaron-chan, "Shall we go? We have our drinks waiting for us."
"Sure." She agrees and allows me to pull her up, we push past the dispersing crowd, hand in hand, with Megumi-san and Harumi-chan close behind.
"Haven't you had enough water?" I ask Avaron-chan jokingly as I open up my bottle of Ramune and take a swig.
"You could say that."
"Here," I push the bottle over to her, "you almost died, you deserve it."
"Are you sure? You're the one who saved me."
"I insist, I'll go grab another one." I grin as I stand up and make my way to the vendor.
"Sup, Rin-chan!" Calls a familiar voice. I turn to see Ryota-kun walking over to me in a pair of light grey swim trunks.
"Ryota-kun! Fancy meeting you here!"
"Whatever you say... Are you here alone?"
"Ah, no, I've made a couple of friends." I say, opening my Ramune, "Wanna meet 'em?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Alright," I grin, turning to walk back to the table we had set up, "follow me!"
"So, are there any friends of yours that I should be wary of?" He asks me as we walk.
"Well, Avaron-chan is a Tsundere, Megumi-san is a Kuudere, and Harumi-chan is easy to warm up to, so she won't be a problem."
"Huh, nice group." He says sarcastically.
"Hey, you're no better!" I laugh and lightly punch his shoulder as we near the table.
"Oh? And who's this guy? Your boyfriend?" Asks Harumi-chan, to which I see Avaron-chan jump slightly and stare at me in shock, what's gotten into her?
"Him? No way! I'd never date this guy! He's too desperate for my taste!" I chuckle.
"I feel sooo loved, Rin-chan."
"Yeah, but on a serious note, this is Ryota-kun, Ryota-kun, this is Megumi-san, Harumi-chan, and Avaron-chan."
"Nice to meet you all, Rin-chan and I go back till before she ran away from home, she comes and eats at the diner I work at. Say, I think I've seen you before, Avaron-san." He says, turning to Avaron-chan.
"Yes, I've visited a few times with my parents."
"Well, it's nice to officially meet you."
"You too."
"Avaron-chan here almost drowned a little while ago." I comment, to which Avaron-chan casts me a glare.
"Oh?! That's terrible! I'm glad you're okay!" Says Ryota-kun with a shocked expression.
"It wouldn't have happened if Moron-chan hadn't teased me." Growls Avaron-chan.
"Oh? Wasn't that the name that got me to take you to the slide in the first place?" I counter, shooting her a glare. There's a moment of tense silence as Avaron-chan and I glare at each other before Harumi-chan tells Ryota-kun that we bicker a lot.
"It's only because we wuv each other!" I grin, reaching over the table to Avaron-chan and hugging her by the neck.
"Moron-chan! Moron-chan! Moron-chan!" Cries Avaron-chan as she struggles to get away from my grasp.
"Alright, here we go again!" I yell, picking her up, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoy my teasing!" I drag her over to the water's edge and call over to Ryota-kun, "The Tsundere and I are going for a swim!"
"I'm not a-" I cut her off by jumping into the water, letting her go as we fly through the air.
"Not a Tsundere?!" I cry through the splashing, "What ever happened to 'don't take this the wrong way, but I'm happy for you?!'" I smile, trying to mimic Avaron-chan's voice.
"T-that was just..."
"Just what?" I ask, stopping Avaron-chan from splashing me by grabbing her and restraining her arms.
"That was just..." She stammers before yelling in frustration and, red-faced and all, she pushes me under the water, causing her to go under as well. Now's my chance! I stop moving, a few seconds pass, then another, and another, what's taking her so long? At this rate I'll have to come up for air! As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I feel someone pulling me out of the a water, I hear said person gasp in shock and mumble "Not again" in a shaky voice, before beginning to perform CPR incorrectly, pumping in on my chest in no rhythm. It's a good thing I'm actually still awake. I feel breath on my face, I know what's coming next, so I open my eyes just in time to stop Avaron-chan with a "Sup."
"Idiot!" She gasps in surprise, relief clear in her voice and on her face, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah... Shall I teach you how to swim now?"

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