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Okay, I lied, this takes place a week later
I knock on the door to Harumi-chan's house, she had invited me over for some reason. We had been hanging out and hunting together for the past week, and I'd say we've grown close. Megumi-san still doesn't say much, and Avaron-san and I still have our differences and we fight every now and then, but we always make up in the end.
"Ah! You came!" Smiles Harumi-chan as she opens the door, "Come in! Come in! Make yourself at home, Rin-chin!" She motions for me to enter, to which I comply, taking my outdoor shoes off at the front door.
"Nice place you got here." I comment, looking around at the living room, leather couches, a TV, game system, and a white cat with a bobbed tail laying in a pet bed.
"Thanks, follow me, would you?" I nod and follow her up some stairs, "My parents will be out tonight, so we've got the house all to ourselves!"
"Awesome!" We walk down a hallway and emerge into a dark room. She flicks the lights on and-
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RIN-SAN!" Megumi-san, Ai, and surprisingly Avaron-san all yell.
"Wha-?! How'd you know?" I gasp, recovering from the scare,
"Ai told us. You're turning 17, right?" Asks Avaron-san,
"That's right!" I grin.
"W-well, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm happy for you." Mumbles Avaron-san, shifting her gaze towards the her feet. I smile and walk over to her, I give her a hug,
"Who're you calling an idiot, moron?" She counters.
"I ship it." Snickers Harumi-chan, to which I let go of Avaron-san and laugh with her.
"S-ship?!" Says a red faced Avaron-san, "Heck no!" To which causes Harumi-chan and I to laugh harder,
"Aww, don't you wuv me, Avaron-san?" I ask, running over to hug her from behind.
"W-what?!" She gasps, clearly confused at this point. "I don't hate you, Rin-san!! But I don't..." She trails off, still trying to struggle from my grip.
"Drop -San." I mumble.
"Drop the -San, that goes for you too, Megumi-san."
"Fine," she growls, "I'll call you Moron-chan instead."
"Hey! Y'know what?" I step away from Avaron-san, "Just for that, I'm gonna have to do THIS!" I run forward and jump onto Avaron-san's back, "Forward, my steed!" I call, she holds me up and groans as she runs out of the room, me on her back. She's stronger than I thought. I laugh as she runs down the stairs and out the front door, the previously mentioned white cat clambering back in shock, its fur sticking up on end. Once outside, she puts me down and turns into her magical girl form, stretching her wings and looking back at me, now smiling. She crouches down,
"Hop on my shoulders!" She says playfully,
"It'll be your funeral!" I smirk, climbing onto her shoulders.
"And yours." She comments before taking off.

~Back in Harumi's room~
"There goes the love birds." Comments Harumi as she looks out the window in her room just as Avaron takes off with Rin on her shoulders.
"'Love birds?'" Echoes Megumi with a confused expression.
"Yeah, isn't it obvious? Avaron likes Rin-chin."
"Is that so? Are you certain she doesn't just look at Rin-chan as a dear friend? I mean, she acts like a Tsundere around us as well."
"Hmm, perhaps... But I've known Avaron all my life, and never has she ever given me a piggy back ride!" Grins Harumi.
"Well, I have to admit they could make a good couple if they tried."
"Yep... Say, why is it you never talk around Avaron and Rin-chin, Megumi-chin?"
"No reason in particular, I just never see the point. If I told Avaron-san how to run this team, she'd snap at me, it's better to let her do things herself."
"You've got that right!" Harumi laughs.
"Say, Harumi?"
"We should do something for those two when they get back."
"Oh? What do you have in mind?"

~Following Rin and Avaron~
"Wooohooo!" I scream in exhilaration as Avaron-san soars through the air, "Hey, Avaron-san!"
"What?" She calls back.
"Can I call you Avaron-chan?"
"Call me what you like."
"Yes!" I call, excitedly hugging Avaron-chan's head.
"Ah! I can't see, Rin-chan!" She cries before losing control and plummeting into a nearby river.
"Well, this is just fantastic!" Sighs Avaron-chan as she tries to wring out her water logged shirt. "W-what are you doing?!" I look up at her, hoodie in one hand and my other beginning to take off my tank top.
"Uh, getting undressed?"
"Because my clothes are wet and I'd rather not get sick." I pull off my tank top and place them on a nearby rock with my jeans. "Do you want to get sick?"
"W-well no, but..." She mumbles, shifting her gaze to the side, her face as red as a tomato.
"I'm not taking off my under garments, but do as you like." I sigh as I slump down onto the cleanest part of the ground beneath the bridge we took shelter in. I close my eyes and doze off.
I wake to feel something warm leaning against me. I crack open my eyes to see a sleeping Avaron-chan clad in her magical uniform, her wings wrapped around us like a blanket. I smile as I recall our adventure, she's not as bad as I had initially thought. I lay my head on top of hers and leave myself to my thoughts for a while until I notice the sun setting over the river. I look down at Avaron-chan and gently shake her awake.
"Nng?" She looks up at me groggily.
"Morning sleeping beauty." It takes her a moment to comprehend where we were, but she soon stumbles back and stares at me wide eyed and red-faced. I stand up and put on my still damp clothes as she summons her soul gem. I catch a glimpse and notice a good bit of darkness inside the gem. I casually walk over to her and reach over her with a grief seed to purify it. "You really shouldn't use your magic like that."
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"Well, try not to do it again, I'd rather not have you die on me." I murmur, turning away to look at the sunset, "Yo! Come have a look at this!" Avaron-chan walks up to me and stares at the array of orange, red, and yellow cascading between the buildings and down onto the river,
"Woah, it's really pretty."
"Sure is." After a minute or two I take her hand, "We should probably get going."
"A-ah! Yeah, we probably should." She summons her soul gem, but I put my other hand on it to stop her from transforming.
"I've got this one." I transform and pick her up bridal style before she has time to complain.
"W-what are you doing?!" She stammers. I grin down at her,
"I said I've got this one!" Before she's able to say anymore, I've began running, and, using my magic, I'm able to get back to Harumi-chan's house in a few minutes. I put her down briefly to open the door and close it, once inside, I pick her back up after transforming and carry her up the stairs with her protesting in my arms. I get to Harumi-chan's room and throw Avaron-chan on the bed.
"Why'd you do that?!"
"Because I wanted to!" I look around the room to see Avaron-chan and I alone, "Where the heck are they?"
"It says here they went to the convenience store." Says Avaron-chan, holding a piece of paper.
"Oh? A note?"
"Yeah, it says they won't be back for a while."
"Hmm..." I stop as I hear almost inaudible giggling coming from the nearby closet. I see, nice try, guys. I walk over to Avaron-chan and sit close beside her on the bed.
"R-Rin-chan?" I lean in close to her and whisper in a low voice,
"They're inside the closet."
"What?" Whispers Avaron-chan.
"Shall we play a prank on them?"
"What do you have in mind?"
I smile evilly at her and cast a glance at the closet, I catch a glimpse of three figures peering through the blinds in the closet door. I look around the room to make it seem more authentic, and stand up to walk over to the window and look outside at the neighborhood.
"What are you doing?"
"Just making sure they aren't back yet." I smile as I sit back down next to her, "Wouldn't want us to get interrupted."
"Huh? Interrupted?" She looks at me with confused eyes.
"Uh, I'm sorry about earlier."
"Sorry? For what?"
"Y'know, when I made you crash."
"Oh, that was nothing."
"That's good to hear, but I want to make it up to you, Avaron-chan." I hear someone whisper "Avaron-chan" as if addressing my use of -Chan. I gently smile as I lean in close to her face.

"Rin-chan, what're you- nng?!" I interrupt her by pressing my lips to hers. I inwardly laugh as I hear multiple gasps coming from the closet. I'll keep this up until one of them interrupts us, makes it more believable. I decide with a slight smile. I close my eyes and after a second or two, I feel Avaron-chan relax, so I push her down so that I'm straddling her. What's taking them so long? I pull away after a good 15 seconds or so and look down at Avaron-chan, who looks to be in a daze, her cheeks and even her ears a bright red, hehe, cute. I look around the room, and for the first time I notice my cheeks feel as if they're on fire and my heart is pounding. As my gaze passes the closet door, I can still see the shadowy figures up against the blinds, now deathly silent and still.
"Avaron-chan, we should stop, what if they walk in on-" I'm cut off by Avaron-chan sitting up and giving me a quick kiss,
"Let's not think about that now." She mumbles before pulling me down again.

~In the closet~
I didn't know they were in a relationship! Says Harumi through her telepathic connection that Ai had set up for them.
Neither did I. Replies Ai, surprised at the sight of Rin and Avaron all over each other, And I live with her!
It is quite strange Says Megumi.
No kidding! But we did agree they'd make a good couple. Grins Harumi, and to think, all we wanted to do was surprise them with tickets to the new water park!

~Rin and Avaron~
My head shoots up from our little 'game' as I hear the sound of the door to Harumi-chan's room open and in walks an adult couple, Harumi-chan's parents.
"Haru! We're-..." Her dad stops and stares at the two red-faced girls, one straddling the other. "Avaron-san, and... Who're you?" He asks me.
"A-ah! The name's Rin Kagomi!" I stammer.
"Well, we don't mean to interrupt, but do you know where Haru is?"
"Wait, wait! It's not what it looks like! We were pranking Harumi-chan and Megumi-san, they're hiding in the closet!" I explain in a hurry. A moment later, said girls come out of the closet to properly introduce us and apologize.

They're cannon now

I wasn't even gonna do that!

I just...


And that happened!

Oh well, time to make things even more gay!

On to the next chapta!

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