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"Who're you girls?" Asks Avaron-san, giving me a look to let her handle this, I sigh and follow her order.
"I think I should be asking you that question, given you're trespassing onto my territory." Claims the blonde.
"Eh? Avaron-san, where are we?" I ask, she glares at me, but answers me in a low voice,
"Mitakihara City."
"Well, I didn't know this was another magical girl's territory." I say, stepping forward and ignoring Avaron-san's glare, "I'm Rin Kagomi, this is Avaron Tsumiko, call her Avaron-san," I continue after giving said magical girl a wink, "this is Harumi Yamada, and this is Megumi-san." I wave in the direction of each girl as I address them, "And who might you four be?"
"Very well... My name is Mami Tomoe." Sighs the blonde, Tomoe-san?! This chick is THE Tomoe-san?! Holy shit, small world, eh?
"My name's Madoka Kaname!" Smiles the pink power ranger, she's cute I realize with a smirk.
"And I'm non other than Sayaka-chan!" Grins the blue one. I can't help but notice the look of confusion on the one with the long black hair's face.
"What's up? You look confused, purple." I say, to which she replies with a startled expression,
"Nothing. My name is Homura Akemi." She's lying. I decide, giving her a quick glare that only she can catch before turning back to the rest of the group.
"Well, it's been good and all, but we need to get back to our territory-"
"'Our?'" Glares Avaron-san.
"Yes, our, Avaron-san. Be glad I'm not saying 'my'." She glares at me before looking away, not wanting to fight in front of the four before us. Well, on the bright side I finally get to meet four of the people Kyuubey spoke of, including Kaname-san, but I wander where Sakura-san is?
"What's considered your territory, if you don't mind me asking?" Asks Tomoe-san.
"Ah, that'd be the next town over, Kazamino."
"Hey, Mami-san?" Asks Miki-san, "Isn't that where Kyouko used to live?"
"Why, yes, do you by chance know Kyouko Sakura?"
"Well, I've heard the name." It's not exactly a lie I decide.
"Well, you should meet her sometime, she's rather... Interesting..." Miki-san laughs as Tomoe-san finishes her sentence.
"Yeah, you could say that again!"
"Well, if you'll excuse us, Tomoe-san, but I believe we should get going." Says Avaron-san.
"Okay, it was nice meeting you girls!" Calls Tomoe-san as we walk away, I wave as we round a corner and continue on back to Kazamino.

This one was a short chapter, but I plan on doing something to Rin here soon.

The next part will actually take place a few months later, you guys and gals get to meet her parents so look forward to it!

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