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February 5th 2019

I wake up, I must have fell asleep on the couch watching the movie with Niall. I look beside me and there Niall is lying asleep on the couch. His beautiful blond hair, and his face, gorgeous. Then he opens his shinny blue eyes. They stare right into mine.

"Good morning." He says to me.

"Morning." I say back to him.

"How long have you been up?" He asks me.

"Like a minute ago." I tell him.

"Ah." He says then gets up.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To get food." He answers me.

"I like that idea." I get up and turn. "To the kitchen!" Then we both walk there

We, more like I, made pancakes. We ate them faster then I made them.

A few minutes after we finished eating Niall and I both get a text message at the same time.

Louis: I just got a call from William. She's awake

Niall and I look at each other at the same time.

I grab my coat and house key. He grabs his coat and his car keys. We leave my house and Niall drives to the Windsor hospital as fast as he can without speeding.

Louis's perspective:

I wake up from Laura and Harry giggling about something one of them must have said or done.

I walk out to get something to eat. On the couch Laura is in Harry's lap. They're both still laughing.

"Oh, good morning Lou." Harry says to me. I raise my hand as a 'good morning'.

As I'm about to grab some food, my phone starts to buzz. I look at who it's from, William. He's never called me before unless it was to get a hold of Victoria.

"Hello." I say answering the phone.

"Hey, I thought you would want know, I just received a call from the hospital and, she's awake." He hear him say.

She's awake? Victoria's awake?

"Thank you for telling me." I say to him.

"No problem. Neither Alex nor I will be able to see her for at least a couple of days. Could you go and get her?" He asks me.

"Of course." I say.

Then we hang up shortly after that.

"Who were to talking to lad?" I hear Harry's voice ask me from behind.

"William, I'm going to get ready." I tell him then leave the kitchen.

I have a shower, and shave since I've only really done it once since Victoria was in her coma. I get into some clothes then grab my coat, keys, phone, tell Harry and Laura about her waking up, and then I leave.

I text Chloe, Niall, Raven, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie. I will tell more people later.

I drive to the hospital as fast as I can trying not to go pass the limit, although I do by about 10-20 here and there.

When I get there, I park my car, enter the building, and head towards her room.

When I get outside of it I look in. There she is, sitting up, and looking around.

Just the way she is sitting, with her head tilted by just a small centimeter or two to her left, and her hands folded up in her lap, she looks sexy.

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