Wrong Number

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Harry’s Perspective:

March 1st 2018

As soon as Laura and the other two walk out the door I can’t hold back my tears any longer. They are streaming down my face.

Liam helps calm me down the best he can.

“Look on the bright side at least you got to see her.” Liam says once I finally finish crying.

“It seems like I keep hurting her more and more.” I say.

“I don’t think so.” He says.

“Didn’t you see the pain in her eyes?” I ask.

“I saw the sadness, from being away from you.” He says.

“But I don’t even know what I did. How am I suppose to fix it if I don’t know what I’m trying to fix?” I ask.

“Think back to all your arguments and see what the main topic was and maybe that’s what you need to fix.” He tells me.

I sit there and thing but I can’t remember.

“She seemed to get mad at you every time you said something rude about Louis.” He says.

“But how am I suppose to fix things with him? Nothing can be fixed until Victoria is back to normal.” I tell him.

“That might not happen.” He says.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“She’s not the same person already with what she has remembered.” He explains.

“Why? What has she remembered that’s different?” I continue asking questions.

“One Direction.” He says.

“What about it?” I ask.

“She doesn’t like our band Harry.” He tells me. “She use to love it.” He adds.

“I know.” I say. “But that’s only one thing.” I add.

“That’s what got her to like Louis to begin with.” He says.

“Well, we can only hope for the best then I guess.” I say then there’s silence.

Laura’s Perspective:

“So what do you guys want to do?” Raven asks.

“Eat ice cream and become fat.” I say.

“I second that.” Victoria says.

“No one is becoming fat.” Raven says.

“Well that’s boring.” Victoria says.

“We should see what Alex is doing.” I say.

“Who?” Victoria asks.

“A very awesome person.” I say.

“Who? My brother?” She asks.

“She’s a girl. Plus we call your brother Alexander, not Alex.” I say.

“Oh, then let’s go meet her!” She says.

“I’ll call her and see if she’s home.” I tell them.

“Hello” Alex says picking up her phone on the first ring.

“Hey, whatcha doing?” I ask.

“Absolutely nothing!” She yells.

“Want to hang out?” I ask.

“You live at my house you don’t need to ask to hang out.” She says.

“It’s not only me. It’s Raven, Vic, and I.” I tell her.

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