A Promise

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Victoria’s Perspective:

May 12th 2018

“Everyone get out except for Raven.” I say.

Everyone stands up. “Is everything Okay?” Louis asks.

“I said get out!” I yell. Everyone but Ravens does what I told them to and leaves out the door.

“What’s wrong?” She asks me.

“You think I wouldn’t remember?” I ask angrily.

“Remember what?” She asks.

Either she is playing dumb or she really is dumb, but at this point either one could be it.

“You decide to help after what you did.” I say.

“What are you talking about?” She asks.

“What else is there that I could remember and be mad at you for?” I ask pissed off. 

As soon as I say this Raven’s eyes widen. “I’m so so sorry.” She says.

“So were you actually trying to help me or was it just a show to make yourself look inanest?” I ask.

“How could you ask that? It was an accident and I was trying to fix my mistake.” She tells me.

“So it was to redeem yourself?” I ask.

“That’s not what I’m saying.” She says starting to cry.

That what it sounded like to me.” I say anger running through me. “People were looking for a long time and all along it was you!”

“I didn’t want to go to jail.” She says.

“You should have to go.” I say.

“I already practically lost my husband from it.” She tells me.

“And because of you Laura and Harry practically lost theirs and Louis and I didn’t even get married. You ruined his life because of this.” I say.

“I’m not the one that made it so you didn’t like him.” She says.

“But you are.” I say spitting out each word. “You should have told someone, you should have told me.”

“What was I going to say? I accidently hit my best friend with my car and put her in a coma?” She asks.

“Would have been better then this now wouldn’t it?”

“I’m so sorry.” She says fully breaking down.

“Don’t even.” I say. I walk away and into my room. I lock my door just in case, and then start packing.

Louis’ Perspective:

After hearing everything that they said in inside the house I was furious, full of rage.

I grab Liam’s shirt, “You knew about this!” I yell at him.

“I left her for a reason.” He says pulling back.

“You should have told me!” I say.

“Louis right, how could you keep that a secret from us?” Harry asks.

“I promised her!” He says.

“She almost killed Victoria and you promised her you wouldn’t tell us?” Laura asks.

“Just a couple of days ago you were mad at her.” Liam says.

“I still would have told any of you if I ever found out who hit Victoria no matter how mad I was. That’s not something you keep to yourself!” Laura says angrily.

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