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Laura's Perspective:

A few weeks pass. Things around the house have been... lack of a better word, weird.

First of all, Harry. He's not himself. Not the man I met, and not the man I married. He barely talks to anyone! Do I still love him? Duh! I will never stop loving him! His nose has almost fully healed.

Talking about his nose. Harry and Louis haven't talked since the day Louis punched Harry. Well Louis hasn't really talked anyone. He hasn't talked or even been seen by anyone. He's been in his room. Unless he has a fridge or a pile of food in his room then he hasn't eaten.

Now that I'm on the topic of food, that reminds me of Victoria. We bring her food every meal but it looks like she never eats it. Not only does she not eat but she blocks everything off. It's like she's trapped in her own little world.

Then there's Alexander and William. They stopped coming because it wasn't apart of Victoria's normal schedule, so they had to. We also found out why her mom never came and visited her, she was told not to. She had to go on vacation somewhere just to stop herself.

There's also Chloe and Niall. They are the only people who are still themselves other then me. They come and visit me every once in a while which I'm thankful for. If they didn't come then I'd be in a house all the time with no noise. It's crazy!

Lastly there Liam and Raven. Liam came once or twice. Raven hasn't been feeling well for a long time so that's why she's never been around. Or that's what Liam told us anyway.

February 27 2018

I wake up and look beside me. No Harry. I hear water running. He must be in the shower or something like that.

I sit up on the bed waiting for the shower.

After about five minutes I hear the water stop. I listen closely and he singing. He has the voice of an angel! It's just amazing.

He walks out in just his boxers. I haven't seen him like this for a while so I can't help but stare at his perfect body.

"Sorry, didn't know you were awake." He says to me.

"No it's fine, I'm enjoying this mornings view." I say back to him.

He smirks and walks over to me. He puts a piece of my hair behind my ear, lifts my chin up and kisses me. I missed this.

Once we finish kissing, he looks into my eyes. "I'm sorry." He says.

"What for?" I ask. Well that's dumb I know exactly what for.

"The way I've been acting. To everyone. To you." He tells me.

"It's fine." I say smiling.

He hugs me, I hug him back. My face is practically on his abs. We stay like this for a bit, Then I hear him whisper, "I've missed you."

Harry's back.

Thank you.

Victoria's Perspective:

February 27 2018

I didn't really sleep last night, or any night really. I can't sleep in places I don't know. I've been on my laptop like all night. Watching videos, and looking at stuff that's happened.

I look up Kingdom Hearts videos. I watch the opening to the first game. I remember it so well. I love these games, they're the best!

'I've been having these weird dreams lately... like, is any of this real... or not?'

That sentence goes so well for me right now. I have these weird dreams, like one was that guy down the hall holding me in his arms, and another of me just sitting in his lap. It was so creepy! I don't even know the guy! Plus he's violent. I remember when that other guy came out of his room after them yelling at each other with a bloody nose.

Anyway getting back to the dreams,
there are also these dreams of what seem like my life coming back to me a little at a time. I kinda know Chloe now. She's Raven's cousin. I met her at Raven's grade 8 birthday party.

At least I think so. I think she's coming over today, maybe I'll talk to her while she's here. Even if it's just for a minute.

I look in the mirror, my hair is crazy and looks dead, my eyes have bags that have bags, just in general I'm a mess.

I start to change and see in the mirror a bunch of scratches and scars on both sides of my body. I get into some clean clothes, brush my hair, and wait till Chloe and whoever she comes with, comes.


At around three I hear a knock on the main door. I listen to see who it is. It sounds like Chloe and that Irish voice. Must be the man that came with her to the hospital or something.

I wait a bit then take a deep breath.

I have to do this.

I open my door and quietly walk past the guys door that's down here. I stand at the bottom of the stairs.

I look up them and take another breath.

I can do this.

Chloe Perspective:

February 27 2018 - 3:30 PM

Niall and I are at Laura's and their house.

"So what have you two been up to lately?" Laura asks us.

"Not much really." Niall tells her in his cute Irish ascent. I just nod my head in agreement to what he had just said.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Same. Harry's coming back around." She says with a huge smile on her face.

"That's good. Where is he?" Niall asks.

"Um, I think in bed maybe." She tells him.

"I'm going to go see him." Niall tells us getting off the couch.

"Make sure you knock first." Laura tells him.

Niall kisses me then says, "Ight." Then he goes up the stairs.

"I'm glad you and him finally started dated. It was about time!" Laura says to me.

"He didn't like me the same way till a while ago." I tell her.

"Whatever you want to tell yourself." She says to me.

We hear noise of someone on stairs. We look to see if it'a Niall or Harry but it isn't. We look at the other stairs and there stands Victoria.

This is the first time I've seen her after the hospital, I hate to say it but, she doesn't look so good.

"Am I allowed something to eat?" She asks quietly.

"Sure, I'll help you get something." Laura says starting to get up.

"Actually, could Chloe help me?" She asks us.

Me and Laura look at each other. Does she remember me? Not from just the hospital but like really remember me?

"Um, sure." I say getting up. I walk to the kitchen and she follows. "What do you want?" I ask her.

"Something small?" She asks me for.

"An apple? I suggest.

She nods her head. I go in the fridge and hand her an apple.

She holds it in her hands for a bit. Then she looks at me. "You're Raven's cousin right?" She asks.

I nod my head as the answer.

"Where is she? The one person I remember never comes, and yet her cousin dose, why?" She asks, then she take a small bite of the apple.

"She apparently isn't feeling well." I tell her.

"Okay, thanks." She says placing the apple on the counter then leaving the kitchen. I look out and see she goes down the stairs.

I look at her apple, she barely touched it. She must not have been hungry, just wanted to ask that question.

I walk out of the kitchen and sit on the couch beside Laura.

"So, what's up with her?" Laura asks me.

"She was asking why Raven never came to see her." I tell her.

"Did you tell her because she's sick?" She asks me.

"Yeah. But like what are the odds of her getting sick and staying sick the whole time Victoria was in a coma and now. She looked fine at her wedding." I say.

"If you were sick would you look fine on your own wedding? I think so." Laura says back.

"True, but if she's that sick shouldn't she go to the doctor?" I ask.

"Maybe it's more of a personal sickness then a physical sickness." She suggests.

"Why wouldn't she have told me either way?" I ask. Her and I have always told each other everything.

"You guys are both adults now, she's not going to tell you everything anymore." Laura says.

"Guess I'm just missing the days. Where her and I were still close, and when Victoria was herself." I say.

"But then you weren't dating Niall Horan." She says.

I smirk.

We hear people coming on stairs. We look and there is Niall, and Harry... shirtless. Laura must love that.

They walk over to us and sit down. Harry kisses Laura, it's so cute.

"So what were you two girls talking about?" Harry asks breaking their kiss.

"Nothing really, what about you boys?" Laura answers then asks them the same question back.

"Nothing." Harry answers her saying.

"Oh, you'll never believe what happened." Laura says.

"What happened?" Harry asks.

"Victoria came up and talked to Chloe." She tell him.

"Really?" Niall asks.

"Yup." I say.

"What did you two talk about?" Harry asks.

"It was for like two minutes, she asked a question I answered it was done." I tell then.

"So what did she ask?" Niall asks.

"Just about Raven." I say.

"Oh, I see." Harry says.

"At least she said something to someone." Niall says.

"True." Harry says.

"Oh and she remembers Raven and I are cousins." I add.

"So she's remember some things?" Laura asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"That's a good sign." Harry says.

"Someone should tell Louis." Laura says.

It looks like Harry tenses up as Laura says that. Her hand goes to his knee and starts rubbing it. From her doing that it makes him ease up.

"Niall maybe you should." Laura suggests.

"Why not Harry? They're better friends." Niall says.

"I would but I have to go to the loo right now." Harry says getting up.

"Thanks for sharing." I say.

"He asked." Harry says walking away.

"Now go and tell Louis." Laura says to Niall.

"Fine." He says getting up heading to the stairs.

"Oh and Niall?" Laura says.

"Yea?" He asks.

"If he starts to get mad, leave. Don't say anything." She tells him.

He look confused but says, "Okay." And head down the stairs.

Niall's Perspective:

February 27 2018 - 5 PM

I start to head for the stairs but Laura calls my name. "Niall."

I turn around. "Yea?" I ask.

"If he starts to get mad, leave. Don't say anything." She tells me.

"Okay." I say a little confused. Did something happen before to make her say that? It's not like Louis would do anything bad.

I walk down the stairs and come to his door. I knock. It takes a while for a response.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"Niall." I say.

I hear moving around then the door opens. He. Looks. Terrible. His hair is a mess, his eyes look so tired, he has so many bags under his eyes, and it looks like he hasn't shaved in such a long time!

"You going to stand there or come in?" He asks me. I walk in his... filthy room.

"So what do you want?" He asks me, rudely if I might add.

"I wanted to tell you good new mate." I say to him.

"Did someone send you in here?" He asks me.

"No." I tell him. Although technically I was.

"Then what is it?" He asks coldly.

"Victoria is starting to remember a little bit." I tell him.

I see his face change, as if hope just slapped him across the face. "What did she remember?" He asks me.

"Who Chloe is, and that her and Raven are cousins. She talked to her earlier today." I tell him.

The hope look falls off his face. "Oh." He says.

"No that's a good sign. If she remembers her then she will start remembering more and more until she remembers you and everything else!" I tell him.

"Nice try, but that only happens in movies or books." He says. Now could you leave now?" He asks.

"What's happened to you lad? This isn't you." I say.

I takes him a minute to answer me. "I asked you if you could leave." He says.

"Fine, I'm leaving." I say exiting the room.

He shuts the door as soon as I leave.

I walk back upstairs and Harry is back on the couch. Laura is in his lap. I sit next to Chloe.

"Did you tell him?" Laura asks.

"Yup." I tell her.

"And?" Chloe asks me.

"I got asked to leave him room, so I did." I tell them.

"He is being such shithead." Harry says. That was unexpected. He was the last person I would expect to say that about Louis.

"Harry?" Laura says.

"What it's true." He snaps back.

"Are you two in a fight or something?" I ask.

"No!" He says quite quickly.

"How could they be in a fight if you're the first person that has talked to him in the past three weeks?" Laura asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"So are you two staying for supper?" Laura asks us.

"What are you having?" Chloe asks.

"Not sure yet." Laura answers saying.

"Actually, I'm going to be taking Chloe out for supper today. Maybe some other day." I tell them.

"Are you now?" Chloe asks me.

"Unless you don't want to." I say knowing that she obviously wants to.

"I'd love to." She says. I can't help but smile.

"Great! Want to go now? "I ask her.

"Sure!" She says.

"Okay, see you two later then." Laura says.

"Bye!" Chloe and I say together.

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