Get Together

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Harry’s Perspective:

May 12th 2018

“It’s been two weeks and she hasn’t come out of her room.” Raven tells me.

“Have you gone in her room to check on her?” I ask.

“She locked the door.” She says.

“So she still had a headache when she got home?” I ask.

“Something like that, she was holding her head and walked straight to her room. She didn’t say anything to me. I thought maybe it was just because she was still mad at me, but if it was just that she wouldn’t do this.” She tells me.

“I think she’s just mad at herself more then anything.” I tell her.

“Yeah. I wish she would at least talk to one of us.” She says.

“Do you know how to pick a lock?” I ask.

“Are you serious?” She asks.

“Well if she won’t let us in, we will barge in.” I tell her.

“I don’t think that’s a smart idea.” She says.

“It’s been a week, she could be passed out or injured or something worse and we wouldn’t even know.” I explain.

“She’s not stupid. If she needed help she would ask for it.” She says.

“I’m here.” I hear Laura’s voice say after the sound of the door opening.

“I guess I’ll leave.” I say standing up.

I walk to the door where Laura still stands, she grabs my arm as I walk by. “As much as I don’t want you to be here, I think it would be better. Right now Victoria trusts you.” She says.

“She doesn’t for anyone but you right now. Or at least that I know of.” I hear Raven say from behind me.

“You’re the ones that don’t trust her.” I say looking at Laura in her beautiful brown eyes.

“I had a reason not to.” She says.

“I asked her to.” I tell her.

“She could have said no.” She says.

“She regrets it enough at it is, you can just let it go.” I say anger coming through me.

I’ve never really been mad at Laura but for some reason now I am. I know because of what I made her do Victoria is mad at herself for betraying Laura. They were friends and I took that away and she blames Victoria for it, not me.

Laura breaks eye contact and wakes past me and then hugs Raven.

“How is she?” She asks.

“We can’t even tell you that.” Raven says.

“Why?” Laura asks.

“We don’t know.” I say turning around to face them both.

“So no change?” Laura asks.

“She’s still trapped in her room.” Raven says.

“Where are Louis and Liam?” Laura asks.

“On there way now.” I tell her.

We all hear the door open, it’s probably the boys.  We all look over and a girl walks in. I think I’ve meet her a couple of times and maybe Skyped with her once or twice too, but I couldn’t place a name.

“What are you doing here Hannah?” Raven asks.

“Was in town and heard people were getting together.” She tells us.

Just as I was about to say something I get interrupted by someone not even in the room.

“I don’t know when Louis is getting here so don’t ask.” Liam says walking in the door behind Hannah.

“So why are we all standing by the door?” Hannah asks.

Laura and I exchange looks, “No reason.” We say at the exact same time.

Damn it.

Thankfully everyone shrugs it off. We all shift to the living room. We all take a seat. Raven, Laura, and Hannah on one couch and Liam and myself on the other.

“Funny how it takes a friend being ill to bring us all together.” Raven says more rudely then anything else.

“So she is everyone’s friend now?” I ask.

“She was never not one of our friends.” Raven says.

“You sure about that?” Liam says.

Raven looks hurt by his words but then says, “I’m sure.”

“So why are we making a big deal out of this?” Hannah asks.

“We don’t know what’s wrong and she’s not reaching out to any of us.” I tell her.

“And?” She questions.

“And because of her accident we have to make sure she’s alright.” Raven adds.

“I had cancer before and could get it again at any time but whenever I get sick we don’t come together and sing kumbaya.” Laura says.

“You don’t trap yourself in your room.” Hannah says.

“I still don’t understand what the big deal is. What are we suppose to do about it?” Laura asks.

“I don’t know.” Raven says.

“I swear Harry, if this is another attempt to just see me again I will leave now.” Laura says.

“I’m not the one who called you all here.” I tell her.

“I didn’t know all of you would be coming.” Raven says.

After another moment of silence Raven speaks up again. “Why can’t things go back to the way they were?”

“You know why.”  Liam says.

“If you two are going to fight I suggest doing it somewhere else.” I say.

“It’s my house I can do whatever I want.” Raven says.

“It’s not even only your house, it’s under our name.” Liam says.

“You were the one that left.” Raven says water forming in her eyes.

“You need to stop before you make her break down.” Laura says to Liam.

“So you can deal with them yet you can’t deal with me?” I ask.

“That is totally different and you know it.” She says back.

Everyone starts yelling back and forth for I don’t even know how long. We stop when we hear someone say, “What is going on here?”

We all look over and see Louis standing by the door.

“Great timing.” Liam says.

“There wasn’t a time set was there?” Louis asks.

“No, but you could have gotten here earlier when everyone else did.”  Liam says back.

“You don’t need to bite his tail off.” Laura says.

“Stop.” I say.

“No Har-“

“I wasn’t talking to only you. Look at us, all of us use to be so close and now we can’t even be in the same room for ten minutes without fighting.” I say.

Everyone sits down on a couch except for Louis, he stays standing. In all the yelling we all stood up at one point.

“When was the last time I heard about you before today Louis? Oh yeah, when you blamed everything going on, on Victoria.” Raven says.

“We’ve all hurt her, not just Louis.” I say. She just rolls her eyes.

We all sit in silence. I feel bad for Hannah, she hasn’t done anything and looks really awkward just sitting on the couch.

We all just sit in silence for about twenty minutes. As I’m about to say something Victoria walks in the room looking a bit angry.

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