Everyone is Different

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Louis Perspective:

February 6 2018

I looked around, maybe I'll do something now. I don't do anything to myself, it's not like I need to impress someone anymore. I stay in bed and grab my laptop. I go to all the social media that I have, do whatever it is you do on that site then go to the next one. I don't stay on any of them too long because there is a bunch about Victoria. As I see her name I went the next one straight away.

I look at the time on my laptop its a couple minutes away 12:30.

And couple minutes later I hear a knock on my door. Is Harry serious. I thought after last night he would know I don't want to talk to him. I ignore the door and continue on my laptop, and of course Harry let's himself in after a few moments. Does he not know anything about privacy.

"Hey." He says by my room. I ignore him but I guess that's not a sign saying I don't want to talk. "What have you been up to?" He asks now standing beside me.

I turn to look at him, "Doesn't concern you." I say. Ever since Victoria has been gone and home but not remembering, he seems to need to know everything I do. I'm older then him I can take care of myself. Just him asking that fuels anger in me.

"Why are you being like this?" He asks me. I can't believe he actually asked that. He knows damn well why.

"The girl I was going to marry doesn't even bloody know me!" I tell him getting furious, I shouldn't of had to tell him that. If he had any brains he would know!

"But everything gets better." He tells me. This somehow makes me more mad. That's what everyone says!

"You wouldn't know what this feels like since everything in your life was always rolled over easily for you. Get out Harry." I say. That was true because of the fame he always got whatever he wanted when he wanted it. I guess me to, but I didn't take advantage of it.

I can tell that makes him mad. "Nothing rolls over for me," Lie. "I had to deal with Laura having cancer, she died!" He says raising his voice.

"And look where that went, she's alive, healthy, and in your arms. You wouldn't know jack shit what it's like. Get out Harry!" I say louder then when he spoke. I'm so pissed at him right now with could punch him.

"And Laura wasn't rolled over to me, Victoria rolled her in my direction." As soon as he says her name I'm ready to knock him out. "Maybe things roll to me but at least nothing has ever rolled away. First Eleanor and now Victoria." He finishes sayings. He starts to say my name but before he really did a was on my feet and punched him right in the face.

"GET OUT BEFORE I REALLY HURT YOU!" I tell at him. He leaves then closes my door.

I can't believe he said that. I'd feel bad about the punch if he didn't deserve it. I just stand for a second and I hear the sound of a door close.

I grab my hair and yank it back. Victoria must have heard, and Harry left my room bleeding. Smart one. She's never going to ever like me after that.

I go back into my laptop but everywhere I look something reminds me of her. I close it and throw it on my pillow at the end of the bed. I decide I'll watch a movie. I go over to my selection and look at all the options. All these movies I've seen with Victoria at least once. I remember she sitting right next to me leaning her head on my shoulder, or the times she fell asleep in the middle of a movie.

Everything here reminds me of her.

I want her back.

I miss her.

I know there's nothing I can really do, I don't want her to be scared by me, but after what just happened how silly that ever happen..

I hear a knocking on a door, I walk out my room. It seems though no one is getting it. I open the front door, It's Will and Alex. Brother Alex not girl. I don't even want to talk to them right now, I can't handle anyone at the moment.

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