Chapter 1: Day One with Danny and Ben

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((( My first bvb/aa fanfiction.. please go easy on me.. just had this idea and yeah. Comment and Vote my lovely followers. c: Thank you.)

I bit my lip holding my things carefully in my lap as Andy drove me to my first day of college, although I wouldn’t start until tomorrow. I was accepted late for some reason and was allowed an extra day to settle in and meet my dorm mates. I hugged the box and looked over at a tired Andy carefully maneuvering the car through the city to this school. I frowned at him he looked so tired, his band Black Veil Brides had just come off tour a few days ago. I told him he didn’t have to do this, I could always have Ashley take me. I looked over my shoulder to see Ashley asleep against the window. I rolled my eyes he was only coming along to meet my new roommates. But I didn’t think he’d get what he was hoping for. See there was a small catch that neither him, nor my boyfriend knew about. My roommate were guys. Yes, male human beings of a totally different species from women and I heard they were smoldering hot too. One of my friend attended the University and said they were to die for and were in a band of their own. I looked over at Andy just as his beautiful blue eyes met mine. I smiled; I wonder what he’d think? I bit my lip then, oh gosh, what would Ashley think?

Another hour later and we made it on campus, classes had already begun for everyone else and so no one was around the dorm rooms when we got there. Ashley and Andy helped me carry all of my stuff up to the dorm. Andy tired and Ashley having just woke up they didn’t say much during the walk there until we walked inside. We walked down a long hallway and into a rather large room. It had four bunks and a bathroom inside, along with two closets and lots of living space. I was grateful for that. Andy stopped at the door looking around, while Ashley raised an eyebrow. I noticed two guitars against the wall and a few posters of women along with an AA bracelet sitting on the dresser and two beds messily made up. “Are you sure you’re rooming with girls?” Andy asked me, making a serious face that made me melt with not just with fear, he was so beautiful when he was mad. Pfft, Andy Biersack was beautiful any day.

I blushed softly, setting my stuff on a clean top bunk. “Um..”

“Yeah I don’t think we’re in a female’s dorm room.” Ashley said glancing at the posters of half-naked women. I bit my lip hard, “Yeah, I forgot to tell you something.” Just then I heard noises coming from the hallway two guys stopped at the door. Andy turned, still holding my stuff and stared at them, “Danny? Ben?” He asked. “Andy? What’s going on?” Danny asked with a clean British accent. “Seems our new roommates moving in” Ben commented looking to me with a smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. “You’re rooming with my sister?” Ashley asked his eyes wide. Ben shook his head, “correction mate, she’s rooming with us.”

“Oh yeah, that’s what I was going to tell you.” I looked down, flushed as everyone turned to me.

After the awkward staring contest with me, Danny and Ben finally broke the awkward silence. “Would you like a beer?” Ben asked, walking in and making his way to the mini fridge near his bed. “Sure.” Ashley said, glaring at me. “Make that two.” Andy said running a hand through his hair as he made his way over to the empty bunk below my bed. I bit my lip as Danny moved to walk in and closed the door behind him. “We just got word yesterday that a girl was moving in but we had no idea it was your sister, Ashley, I swear.” Ben said, handing him and Andy a beer. Ashley nodded, “it’s fine I’m not mad at you guys at all.” Ashley popped open the beer, eyes still fixed on me. I bit my lip hard and plopped down next to Andy who finished half his beer in like three seconds. Oh shit he must be mad at me.

I clasped my hand in Andy’s; he groaned and finished the beer, lying back on the bed. He had to duck his head not to get hit. “We know you two are together, we wouldn’t have tried anything.” Danny said, taking a beer himself. I chewed the inside of my cheek, this wasn’t so bad. So two of the guys from AA were rooming with me, so what?

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