Chapter 10: I Don't Want To Leave You Breathless

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(((Someone tell me.. is this the last chapter.. or? .. ;) It could be. ))))

Ben’s POV

We already had rehearsals and had a little time before the show and I pondered what I could do to make it up to Aly for not visiting her at the hospital. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, I remembered we had passed by a mall on the way here. I was just about to go ask Danny when he came to me first. “Hey we’re gonna head off to a club wanna come?” I shook my head, “I think I might check out this mall, before the show.” Danny raised an eyebrow, “what the fuck Ben you don’t shop.” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t know if I should let him know that it was for Alexandria or not. “Special occasion.” I mumbled, “it’s not for Aly..

Fuck. “Bye see you guys.” I said, turning away quickly, walking down the hallway. “Ben!” I heard Danny calling my name but I ignored him.

It’s ok if it’s for Aly. I get it now that you won’t let her go, but you have to understand how bad this would be for all of us. He texted me. I continued on to walk down the street and over into the mall. I know but I love her, Danny.

I sucked in a deep breath and tried to think about things she liked. She likes bands and little pretty girl things. I bit my lip and walked through the mall looking for any stores that looked appealing.

I noticed Hot Topic and walked inside. We are one of her favorite bands, I could get her something AA. I bit my lip and smiled, hmm I think I know what to get her.

I picked out a hoodie and a shirt of ours, along with some Black Veil Brides not to play favorites, I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

As I walked out a noticed a store where you could customize things, such as jewelry and other items. Interesting, I ran a hand through my hair. Ugh, what could I do.

I just inside and looked at the necklaces trying to find something she’d like when a sales associate walked up to me. “Finding everything alright, Sir?” She asked me, I shook my head. “Uh, no I might need some help.”

“Ok what are you looking for?”

“That’s just it, there’s this girl I’m trying to impress and I don’t know what to get her. Um, her name’s Alexandria and I’m in a band by something similar, Asking Alexandria.” I raised an eyebrow looking down at her. She blinked a couple of times. “Are you Ben Bruce??” She almost exclaimed, I smiled and nodded. “I wanted to play around with the bands name and hers if you could help me.”

Her eyes were bright and her smile even brighter. “Of course I can, um sign something for me?” She giggled, I laughed and nodded. “Right this way.” She said motioning me to follow.

Alexandria’s POV

I begged Andy to reconsider the double date with Sammi and Jinxx as I’d have to wear a dress and didn’t feel comfortable showing off my arms. He agreed and said they understood. He instead made me dinner at the house. It grew very uncomfortable sitting across from each other, I couldn’t think about anything else other than the fact I had hurt him so bad in the past couple days. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, eating only a few bites at a time. I mean Andy had been nothing but nice to me and what have I done, cheated and lied to him. I’m such a horrible girlfriend. But I had reason to right? I don’t want to hurt him and I can’t help my feelings for Ben. I bit my lip and ran a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath. “You ok, babe?” Andy asked, looking up from his plate. I smiled softly and nodded, “could I have some wine?” He smiled back and got up. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

I finished up my food, still thinking about things. Should I tell him, should I tell him all that I had done and why I cut? I was thankful our conversation hadn’t turned to that yet.

Reckless and Relentless (A BVB/AA Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora