Chapter 2: Classes with Danny and Ben

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I was in my dorm and a dim light filled the room. I looked up to find Ben smiling down at me. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss which he melted into. It was so sweet, his tongue collided with mine and he deepened the kiss tilting my head up and again plunged his tongue into my mouth. I moaned softly and felt his erection against my thigh. I laid a hand on his face, stroking his jaw as we kissed passionately. He moved to wrap my leg around his waist and I felt him at my entrance. I blushed and moaned softly as he pulled back and then sunk into me. I moaned deeply into his mouth, feeling him go deeper and settle himself in me. We moaned in unison as he began to move in and out in slow movements and then faster and faster. I bit his lip softly, staring into his eyes as we climaxed together. “I love you, Alexandria.” He whispered into my ear.

 I felt a tap on my shoulder; I opened my eyes and looked into Ben’s gorgeous face. I smiled softly, “is this a dream?” I whispered. Ben’s face fell and he shook his head, “Sorry darling no, time to get ready for Guitar.” He stood before me in only boxers. “Ok-k.” I stuttered and he smiled and turned walking back into the bathroom, his hair still wet from an early shower. I flushed, watching his beautiful body turn away from me. I bit my lip hard, of course it’s not a dream you idiot. I blinked, but the sex was. I bit my lip, why do I wish it was real so much? I shook my head and got up to get dressed. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top and my BVB hoodie and a bra and underwear and waited for Ben to finish. Danny was still sound asleep. Moments later a clean cut Ben walked out. His hair was done messily and long. I bit my lip, hot. He wore a pair of jeans and a muscle tee. “Good Morning Sleeping Beauty.” I waved and walked into the steamy shower.

I set my things down on the closed toilet and started the water. I ran a hand through my bedhead, that dream was way uncalled for. What was that exactly? Was I feeling so aroused from that kiss that..did I dream that? I shook my head and peeled off my clothes. I need to speak to Andy, fast. I stepped into the shower.

I was out soon enough and put my clothes on; I put on a bit of eyeliner and foundation along with some lip gloss and walked out. I held my hoodie in my arms; it could be cold in a few classes. “Ready.” I said, Ben stood at the door, texting on his phone. “Great.” He looked up at me and his face fell a bit as he looked me up and down. His expression turned to one of wonder and awe. I blushed deeply and dug my foot into the floor. “What?” I asked, I hadn’t noticed Danny was up and watching the both of us. Ben shook his head, “nothing, let’s go.” I nodded, “See you for vocals, Aly.” Danny called, “ok.” I called back and Ben closed the door. I took out my schedule. I had Guitar for an hour and then vocals, followed by drama and then lunch/break for an hour and next my last two classes, Advanced Art 101 and Excel English Poetry. I bit my lip, doesn’t seem too hard. “We don’t need our guitars?” Ben shook his head, “not right now, now it’s just notes and shit and next week we really start to play.” I nodded once and followed him. This didn’t feel as awkward as I thought but I still seemed on edge. Maybe that kiss didn’t ruin anything between us, I hoped it didn’t.

The class was quite smaller than normal for a college class but was still relatively big; adding us there looked to be at least 30-40 students in the entire class. We took our seats in the back and turned to the professor as the bell soon rang. Crap we were almost late. I bit my lip as I took out my notebook and pencil. Class was mostly quiet besides the professor talking and people texting. Some had noticed us when we walked in and were staring at us and some even took pictures. Ben shook his head and pulled me close, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. He seemed to be trying to “shield” me from the cameras. But it of course wasn’t working. “Hey!” the professor called to them “no pictures.” They slowly turned back to the professor but a girl continued to stare at Ben. I narrowed my eyes at her and bit my lip, snuggling a little closer to Ben. Turn around, Bitch, he’s mine; I thought. Whoa did I just think that? I’m with Andy. I swallowed and my eyes darted back to the girl. She blinked and turned angrily from us. Haha, bitch. Ben must have noticed this and looked over to me. “You alright?” His fingers stroked my shoulder, I nodded and scooted away some. “I’m fine.” He took his arm away from me and we turned back to the professor and copied more notes. The class was so boring and dragged by, Ben hardly paid attention and I was sure we’d have a quiz on this stuff sooner than later. Afterwards Ben offered to walk me to Vocals.

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