Chapter 7: Another Bottle Down

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(((Welp here ya go.. chapter 7 cx sorry its short.))))

I stood there for about a few more minutes when suddenly Averie came out of the bathroom. “Where’s Ben?” She asked, looking to me with a bitch expression on her face. I looked her up and down and pointed to the dance floor. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away. I flipped her off behind her back and continued back to our table. “Babe, you alright?” Andy asked has I sat back down next to me. I nodded as my eyes met Jinxx who gave me a wary expression. “Everything’s fine.” I smiled back and noticed a plate of fries and a freshly made hamburger sitting in front of me. “I didn’t know how long you’d be so I ordered for you.” I smiled softly and took his hand in mine under the table. “Thanks.” Jinxx continued to stare at me and I bit my lip. I was not going to tell Andy that I just kissed Ben. That would break his heart.. I turned to the food and began eating. The table was busy and filled with conversation as we ate. Jinxx stared at me every now and then until Sammi broke his concentration. Thank god.

I glanced out onto the dance floor and noticed Danny and Ben still out there with those girls. I gritted my teeth and took a few swallows of my drink, glad it was alcoholic for once. I couldn’t help glancing at them every now and then as I finished my food. Averie grinded heavily against Ben who held her tight against his body. She would looked over to me and smirk, Ben seemed way enticed and only responded how every guy would and proceeded to fell the whore up and even started making out with her. I turned away immediately angered. I hadn’t noticed Jinxx watching me closely and bit my tongue not to lash out at him and ask him what his problem was. But if I did that he might mention something to Andy..

The waiter broke our commotion as he walked by asking us if we were all ok. “Can I have another drink?” I asked, holding up my empty glass. “Oh you liked it, huh?” Ashley asked, I nodded. “Get me the strongest thing you got.” I said, looking at the waiter. He nodded and was about to leave just as everyone ordered another beer. Andy hugged my shouldered and squeezed my arm. “You ok, babe?” I nodded and snuggled into him. “Of course, I am.” I smiled over to him, my eyes barely meeting Jinxx’s and he shook his head once. I sucked in a deep breath and prayed they hurried with our drinks.

As the night continued we had all moved to the dance floor and were all having fun dancing. We paid for our food earlier and I ordered a few more drinks. I was working on my fifth as Andy held me close, moving us to the music. I noticed Ben and Averie getting even more touchy feely and soon Ben took her hand and led her away from the dance floor and over to the bathrooms. “Son of a bitch.” I whispered under my breath. “Huh?” Andy asked, beginning to kiss down my neck. I finished my drink and broke away from Andy. “I neeth to oose the bathrum.” I slurred and stumbled away in the direction of Averie and Ben. I placed a hand on the wall so I wouldn’t fall as I walked and pushed open the door to the ladies bathroom and sure enough I heard kissing noises. I looked under the stalls to see four legs in one stall. A pair of heeled ones and ones with boots on, none other than Ben and that bitch. I gritted my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I walked over to the bar and ordered two more drinks, one to go and one other..

“Almost ready to go hun?” Andy asked, I noticed they were all walking off the dance floor. “Juth a sec..” I said and hurried back over to the bathroom, stumbling as I went. I walked inside and went right over to their stall and poured the entire glass of beer on them. “Ooo fuckin whore.” I said as I heard a scream from her and a “fucking hell” from Ben. Just then an arm was wrapped around my body and I was being pulled out of the bathroom. “You fucking slut! I hate you! Both of” I hand was clamped over my mouth. I was turned around to face Jinxx and CC. “Shut the fuck up, do you want Andy to hear you?” Jinxx asked me, looking me up and down. “I got Andy to go ahead and wait outside.” CC said.

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