Chapter 4

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My parents suddenly called me asking me to come home immediately. I was secretly thanking them for letting me have a reason to leave.

"Siobhan can u drive us home? mum and dad asked us to come home and it sounded urgent. "

Just then, my phone beeped breaking the silence. My parents to asked me to return home with Jamie. Are you serious? The ride home pretty fast. With that we returned home in 10 mins.

When I opened the door, Tammy immediately ran out and gave me a tight hug."Missed you so much mel!!! I have not seen u for so long!"

Tammy is Jamie's sister and we got along really well together it was awesome having a friend like her around. She had big brown eyes and pretty brown hair. She would listen to all your problems and use her magic words to make them go away.She is 16 this year and has a really cute boyfriend called Finn who by the way is the brother of Jack.The famous youtube star.I was a little jealous of tammy but I realised that they were a perfect match.

I pulled away from Tammy and was soon greeted by Jamie's and my parents whose looks tells me the serious conversation taking place later.

"Jamie and Melody, we would like to speak to you in the study."

I looked at Jamie with lots of question marks in my eyes. I too saw the same in his. It seems as if we had misbehaved and we gonna be scolded for it. We headed to the study in silence. Siobhan just went up to our room and blasted one direction's 'They dont know about us' .

Ps: Siobhan is a huge fun of one direction when I say huge I meant it.

"So kids, Im guessing you guys are still wondering why did we want to talk to you today. We want you guys to put your career on hold and do an internship for the company for a year to try out how it is like to work there and gain some experience from it. Don't worry about your school, we have already talked to the principal and therefore will be homeschooled while doing your internship. I know it must come as a shock to you but it is essential to be familiarised with the company. Sooner or later you will be running the company. You two are leaving on a plane this Saturday to Paris and I hope from this experience that you guys can take over the company and learn to work together as a team."

"But mom my world tour is in 2 months and I can't cancel it !"I asked not knowing what to do about it."Well you just have to cancel it. Im sorry hunny it was a very last minute decision as we realised the need for both of you to take over the company one day and become our successors. We need you to be ready and prepared when that time comes. Siobhan can come with you but she needs her parent's acknowledgment first. If there is no other questions you guys can start your packing."

I ran back to the room and immediately poured out to her what happened and asked her if she can go to Paris with me.She pulled out her phone and called her parents and they immediately agreed to let her go! Though we have been going to different places together but every time we go to a different place, it is like a whole new adventure for the both of us .There was this one time when we waited really long for our chauffer to come and he didn't turn up and we got annoyed waiting and started to go look for the hotel and got lost in the end.It was kinda funny though we asked so many people for directions and some of them pointed to us the direction when the person before them asked us to go in a opposite way.We were so confused.By the time we reached the hotel, it was already night time. We just jumped onto our beds and fell asleep straight away.

hi there! I know that I have not posted for a really long time as I had have lots if tests to study for.Forthe next chapter Jamie and Melody will go to paris") hope u love the chapter ")

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