Chapter 6

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We finally reach Paris! The city of love....Well maybe I would be able to meet someone new here since Jamie and I were not even official.Though there is kind of a thing going on between us....... I have a feeling many things is gonna happen here in this mesmerising city.

We soon left the airport and headed to our apartments which were all in the same building.We each have an apartment to ourselves! How awesome is that?! There had been an amazing designer who probably had to work his ass off to make the apartment so tailored to my style. There was this modern feel to the apartment which was what I liked and a small pool, a bookshelf filled with all my favourite books and those books a needed for lessons.Eww boring! There was this big study table and an apple desktop on it.The walls were mostly painted white with many well designed wallpapers on them.My room is very similar to my old bedroom except that it has a more grown up like feel to it .I have a walk in closet which has so many of my favourite brands of dresses, shoes, , accessories and bags!I have a feeling my parents really want me to feel at home so I won't get homesick.Guess what? I love to cook and there were so many ingredients and packed neatly and an oven for baking. The fridge had my favourite Häagen Daz ice cream with many different flavours! This is heaven! The view is so wonderful as I can totally see the Effiel tower and city lights. I felt a little tired after inspecting my apartment and fell asleep on my comfy bed.I would go over to Jamie's and Siobhan's apartment after my nap.Flights make me so tired. There is also this house keeper that will keep our house in great condition. Guess I wouldn't have to worry about the household chores.

After an hour or so I decided to take a look at Siobhan's house.I think she was sleeping before that as when she opened the door ,her hair was a huge mess and she was in her homeware as she likes to call it.Her house had louder colours painted on the wall and posters of her favourite band 1D all around on the walls.I personally thought that her house was cool.There was a built in music player around her whole house and I have a feeling all of the one direction songs were in it.I think that my house has it too I just haven't realised it yet. We had just about the same amenities but it is quite cool having a best friend live in the same building as you. Though we lived together the last round this is a totally different thing since we have our own house.

I decided to go to Jamie's house to check it out but Siobhan wanted to stay at her place to pack her stuff first then come meet us at Jamie's house.I lived on the 20th floor.Siobhan lived on the 16th floor and Jamie lived on the 23rd floor.

I ranged the door bell a few times and he finally opened the door.His hair was a little messy but he was able to pull off that look making him look amazing.His house was more boyish and had very artistic furniture which suits the black and white theme.He also had a collection of guitars on the wall and let me tell you he plays extremely well but more of a hobby.His room was very simple yet it has a feel of elegance in it . After an hour or so Siobhan decided to make an appearance and we chatted a while about our apartments and what we were going to do next.We decided to go to a nearby restaurant to celebrate the beginning of our new start here in Paris.The restaurant is quite well known here though it is quite costly, my parents give me an allowance of twenty five thousand a month which I was really happy to have.

The next chapter will be the start of their new life in paris hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!♡mel

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