chapter 11

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So I had to get the door as Siobhan was banging it really loudly and it's quite hard to ignore.When I opened the door her eyes were filled with glee and pure happiness like eating maple syrup with hotcakes......

"Hey!!! I just went for a extremely fantastic and awesome date......we went for dinner at this seafood restaurant that I love.......took a drive to the beach. ......walked down the beach and had our first kiss there! How romantic was that?!"

I looked at Jamie awkwardly and he was doing the same.Somehow Siobhan didn't seem to notice the rose petals and candlelit dinner as she went on and on about her date.

I wasn't really listening to what she was talking about but I was thinking to myself if Jamie was the one for me just like Tyler was to Siobhan.Whether he was the cherry to my pie and if we were the perfect two.Were we?

It was then I had  courage to give our relationship a go if all fails.....who ever think so much about that anyway. I was seriously over thinking it.

"Vonn...Siobhan!" I had to wave at her to get her attention .Wow she seriously shows serious signs of being a lovesick puppy.It was adorable yet not in some ways.

"Yes??"she looked a bit confused and raised her brows.

I said this as I looked at Jamie."Jamie and I are currently dating."Jamie's mouth dropped i bet he totally did not expect me to say anything like this.

Apparently Siobhan just laughed "You two? After so much drama that I've watched I cant believe you guys are finally together . You're so sweet and everything. Well if things don't work out promise me we will stay besties kay?! Love you guys! Group hug!"

"I can't breathe....Vonn...."she was strangling me but still I love that girl."Guess I interupted you guys...Sorry..... I guess I will go back to my happy place with five awesome guys whose faces are all over my house ahhh my Naill... I know Tyler would understand my love for him thats why I love him, he understands me like no guy except Jamie has done before.....Goodnight guys I will be somewhere in dreamland soon.Enjoy!"With that she left the house without another word.

hey guys sorry far the late update I have been really busy because of my exams....arghhh stress overload.Anyways I will update as soon as I can.Stay tune for more!♡mel

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